Chapter 1a: Talentosa

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Oh my tree! I was at the gates, I looked up at the school, it was a dark and rainy day, but the magnificence of the school outshone it. I couldn't believe I was about to enter the school of my dreams, Object Peak, I pointed my foot out and then.........everything went dark.

My eyes slowly opened, I had a killer headache, so I turned over, that's when I realised I was on a bed. I opened my eyes to see a completely white blanket, pillow, and sheets, I turned around and a bright light blinded me. I quickly shut my eyes and sat up, I tried standing up without vision, I was convinced I was in a bright room with lights all over, but then, through my eyelids, the redness of light turned to darkness. This meant there was some form of shade in this room, I blinked my eyes open, I saw a four or five beds, a scale, and pink and white walls.

There were medical tools everywhere and a small fridge near the doors, I knew this was the nurse's office, but how did I get to the nurse's office so quickly, I just went on campus like three seconds ago. I headed for the door, but every time I walked, there was a chill on my feet, I looked down and, my shoes were gone. I turned around 360º to see if I could see them, they were not there, then I looked at the brightly lit bed area, they were not there either, but I did notice a message.

"Be in the gym at 7:30"

I looked at the clock, darn it! It was 7:28, I only had two minutes to find the gym. I completely ignored my cold feet and ran out the door, the hallway was dark, only a purple light was emitted from the ceiling. It was really creepy, I didn't really care though, I had to find the gym. I ran down the hall, passing multiple rooms. The most notable was a door in a green hallway that said "Judge Room, KEEP OUT!!".

I was quite curious, but kept running, I turned at a red hallway, there were a few classrooms and a storage room, that's when I came across an indent in the wall. There were double doors and a sign above it read, Gym. I walked toward the door and put my hand on the cold, metal handle. I opened the door and 16 or so faces turned to stare at me.

"Hi..." I nervously greeted, I was greeted by a red object with some shiny grey pointy thingy at the top who stormed up to me.

"You are late!" She yelled.

"What? I got here at..." I started, I looked at the clock, I was indeed 1 minute late, "7:31...."

"Exactly! Now, you need to wait for the last two, Eighteen!" She demanded.

"Eighteen? Last two?" I asked, there were a million questions running through my head, but I knew she didn't know the answer to most of them.

"Yeah! We don't want to call each other by our real names because we didn't want to introduce ourselves until everyone was here. We thought, no, we knew it was the most logical option." She explained.

"But, wait, last two!? If I'm Eighteen, doesn't that mean there are already two more than there are supposed to be?" I asked.

"Class 91-C got a special class amount, I wouldn't say for the better, but yeah, we get 20 students instead of 16." She explained, "It's right here on the corner of the letters!"

She pulled out a white, new looking envelope and pointed to the corner of it. Sure enough there, in print, was a stamp stating that there are 20 students.

"Everyone has one!" She chirped.

"Not me, I have this old looking one and it has no print on it. I can show you." I stated.

"What!? Yes, let me see!" She demanded again. I pulled out the envelope for her to see, she studied it carefully, "Ahh, yes, I see, that's why you don't know about it, but why is it different from the rest of ours?"

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