Welcome to the World Sweet Baby Boy

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Alexis's P.O.V

It's 12:00 AM Christmas morning and I woke up with sudden pains in my abdomen so I went to the bathroom . As soon as I got to the bathroom my water broke . I woke up Anthony , called Ian and Olivia , packed my stuff , got dressed , and headed to the hospital .

As I was in the car my contractions got so bad so as soon as we got to the hospital I was ready to push

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As I was in the car my contractions got so bad so as soon as we got to the hospital I was ready to push

I held Anthony's hand , Olivia held my leg , and I gave one more big push , and my son was born . I held him skin to skin and kissed his head . Then they took him away to clean him then they gave him back to me .

Welcome to the world James Michel Padilla I said and I kissed his head and gave Anthony a kiss on the lips

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Welcome to the world James Michel Padilla I said and I kissed his head and gave Anthony a kiss on the lips .  Later Ian came in with Sophia . Sophia sweetheart meet your new baby brother I said and she squealed in happiness and kissed him on the head . You did good Alexis Ian said . Thanks Ian I said and I kissed his cheek . Later Anthony and Sophia laid on the couch and the baby and I laid in the bed and we all fell asleep as a family .

Authors Note : the video just picture Alexis giving birth to James Ok that's all BYEEE . Love , Hannah .

That One Night at the Bar // COMPLETED Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt