Hello Internet this is my Girlfriend

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Alexis's P.O.V

Today I'm going to Anthony's to film a video with him . He told me that he does YouTube and he has a personal channel besides Smosh . We're going to tell his viewers that I'm his girlfriend . I got ready and we got started .

(The video)

AP : Hey guys I have something important to share with you today , now I haven't been completely honest with you guys and I apologize , but we agreed that this would be the right thing to do , now I know I'm being very vague and you're probably like Anthony get to the damn point and I'm sorry that I'm going on I'm just nervous and kinda winging this but , ok get in here , this little beauty is Alexis , and you might recognize her from my Instagram and my Snapchat , and she also sings at the grove , she does jazz , if  haven't figured out yet from my big hints , Alexis is my girlfriend and I'm her boyfriend

AL : Ohh you don't say , this guy right , what a dork


AL : Anthony Anthony stop I can't breathe HAHAHAHA , you don't get a kiss anymore

AP : Awww come Alexis

AL : Nope

AP : Please

AL : Nope

AP : Please

AL : Note gonna happen babe

AP : That's what you think


AP : Ok , thank you for watching our little video , be prepared to see this a lot more of this loser over here , like , comment , subscribe if you haven't , and have a great day , bye guys

AL : Bye YouTube's

AP + AL : Kisses each other

(End of Video)

Wow babe you are a natural at this he said . Aww thanks babe I said . Maybe if you want to you can be in a Lunchtime with Smosh he said . Ok babe sounds good I said and I kissed him on the cheek . Woo I'm tired do you want to watch a movie he said . Sure what do want to watch I said . How about Star Wars he said . Sounds good I said and we put on the movie . He laid down and I laid down on top of his chest and we went to sleep .

That One Night at the Bar // COMPLETED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora