Christmas time with Smosh Part 2

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Alexis's P.O.V

Anthony got me some lingerie for Christmas so I'm going to surprise him in it . Babe I have one more Christmas gift for you I said . What is it he said . Oh you'll see , but I'm going to need you too leave the room I said . Ok babe he said and he left the room .

Ok babe I'm ready I said and he came in to see the romantic set up

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Ok babe I'm ready I said and he came in to see the romantic set up . Before we get started that's not all I said . Ohh show me what else you've got he said and I showed him the romantic set up in the bathroom . Is my big boy Anthony ready for me to rock his Christmas I said . Oh yea baby he said . I got on top of him and we got started .

Skip the Smut

Once we were done Anthony and I hopped in the bath and cuddled . After the bath we headed back to bed and went to sleep .

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