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Alexis Joan Lewis

Age : 23

Hair : Pink

Eyes : Blue

Relationship : Single

Job : Jazz Singer at a Bar

Passion : Singing and Songwriting

Home Life : Homeless Streetrat

Life Story : I'm Alexis Joan Lewis . I'm 23 Years old , and as of today I'm a street rat . My parents died in a car crash when I was six years old so I live in the streets and I've been like that for most of my life . I work as a jazz singer at a bar and I get paid like 15 $ a day which only helps with food , but I mostly get my food at shelters and showers too . I've been through many boyfriends , but they were all toxic and awful . They would abuse me , physically , mentally , and sexually . I was almost abused by my ex boyfriend , but I escaped . I have considered suicied , but it never worked . I find my area to sleep and I cry every night because all I want is for someone to love me .

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