Meeting my Friend

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Alexis's P.O.V
Tonight I have a gig at my job . I'm a jazz singer at a bar . I'm homeless and I have no money so this job helps me out . Sometimes I go to shelters for food and showers and that's it . Once I got out of the shower I did my hair , my makeup, got dressed , got my glasses , and headed out to door .

Once I got to work I set up my stuff and sang my song

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Once I got to work I set up my stuff and sang my song .

After I was done this girl came up to me her name is Olivia . You've got a good voice she said . Thanks I'm Alexis Lewis , but you can call me Lexi I said . Hi I'm Olivia Sui do you work here she said . Yea I sing jazz here at night I said . Cool can I get your number so I can bring my friends she said . No I'm homeless and I don't have a phone I said . Aww I'm so sorry maybe you can come live with me at my apartment , it's not far from here by 5 minuets she said . Thanks I'd love to , my shift is over so we can walk and get my stuff I said . Sounds good she said and we grabbed my stuff and we headed to Olivia's apartment . Welcome home Lexi , I have a extra room here along with a bathroom and it's all yours she said . Thank you so much for doing this Olivia I said . Anytime Lexi now you go get some rest she said and she left the room . I plopped on my new bed , took off my makeup and clothes , and went to sleep .

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