The Pregnancy Test

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Alexis's P.O.V

I woke up this morning feeling nauseous so I ran to the bathroom to throw up . I then realized what happened . OH SHIT I THINK I'M PREGNANT . Babe I'm going to be home I'll see you tomorrow I said . Ok babe I love you Lexi he said . I love you too Anthony I said and I kissed him on the cheek and headed home . I started feeling nauseous again so I pulled out a bag that had our takeout yesterday and I threw up in it . Once I got home I told Olivia . Olivia I think I'm pregnant I said . How she said . Well a couple of weeks ago after the Christmas party Anthony and I did the you know what I said . Did you wear protection she said . No he didn't I said . Well don't your worry I'll go get you a pregnancy test to make sure she said . Thank you s- I stopped and ran to the bathroom to throw up again .

A couple of minutes later

I'm back with the test she said . Thanks Olivia , but what am I going to do if I am pregnant I said . I don't know those are choices you are going to have to make yourself , now go take the test she said . Ok I said and I went into the bathroom , took the test , and waited .

A couple of minutes later

Umm Olivia I said . Yea she said . I'm pregnant , the test says positive I said . Are you sure she said . I don't know I said . There's another one in the pack if you are not sure she said . Ok I said and I took the other test and waited .

A couple of minutes later

Yep Olivia I'm definitely pregnant this one says positive too I said and I showed her the test .


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OH MY GOD ALEXIS CONGRATS GIRL she said . Thanks but how am I going tell Anthony I said . How about since you're going to his place tomorrow you buy doughnuts and tape the pregnancy test to the box she said . Awesome sounds like a plan I said . Awesome she said . Now momma's tired let's put on a movie I said . Ok what do you want to watch she said . What to expect when you're expecting I said . Ohh I love that movie she said and we put it on and went to sleep .

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