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Max approached the loft anxiously, he knew he'd have to transform before he reached the wards so went into the alley way beside the building and vanished his runes and released his horns. He sighed in relief as he felt his natural features come out. Putting up the glamour felt like there was always something itching in the back of his mind. Now the itch was mostly gone except for the fact he was no longer hiding his runes which were just as essential to who he was. With a sigh, Max made his way to Magnus' loft.

His front door had never been so daunting before. Magnus tended to see through Max easily, could he tell if he was lying if he didn't even know him? Summoning his courage he went to knock on the door, only for it to open by itself. "How long you gonna hang out here kid?" A familiar face teased. Max tried to hold back a smile as he saw his aunt Catarina - she was one of his favourite people to be around, not to mention Madzie's adopted mother.

"S-sorry." Max apologised and stumbled into the loft. It looked different to how it was back home which had more of a family touch and definitely more photographs. It still held an essence of his father's bachelor days despite being in a relationship with Alec for a while.

Max swallowed when he saw his father walk down the stairs from his roof. "And just who are you?" Magnus asked curiously, martini glass firm in hand. "I don't remember any new warlocks in New York." He raised an eyebrow.

"Keep it together." Max thought nervously. "I'm just passing through." He praised himself on not stuttering in his father's powerful presence.

Magnus hummed and finished the descent. Max tried not to roll his eyes at his father's dramatics, he thought he was so suave. "And what is it you need with the High Warlock of Brooklyn dear boy?"

"I-it's my magic." Max cursed internally as he tripped over his words, he hated lying to his parents and he got nervous unlike Rafael. "M-my brother and I were passing through and were ambushed by Valentine's men." Max found his voice going quieter. He saw Catarina and Magnus tense up at the sound of that name.

"Oh you poor boy." Magnus sighed and pulled Max into a one armed hug. Max's breath hitched and couldn't help but relax into the embrace - happy with how familiar it felt to be in his father's arms. He felt tears reach his eyes as he clung on tight. He wanted to go home and hug his papa like this.

"I-I need help. My m-magic isn't recovering the way it should be." Max croaked and reluctantly pulled away from Magnus. "I was hoping you had a rejuvenation elixir?" Max asked hopefully.

"Of course little blueberry, I'd be happy to help. I'm hosting a lot of warlocks right now, this could become a temporary safe space for and your brother." Magnus offered. Max felt his heart in his throat at the nickname he was so used to hearing at home. He couldn't help the rush of affection and warmth it made him feel. He sniffed and wiped the tears away, trying to compose himself.

"N-no it's ok. I need to get back to him and get home as soon as possible." Max denied and Magnus nodded in understanding. He still rested a hand on the boy's shoulder and couldn't help but feel a protective flare at seeing this little warlock cry. He had to be really young, Magnus was impressed he could handle his magic so well. He didn't want to let go, he wanted to comfort the boy until he stopped crying.

He cleared his throat, "Catarina, why don't you get the elixir. You still remember where I keep them right?" Magnus suggested.

"What do you take me for?" Catarina smirked and went to Magnus' apothecary. Magnus led Max over to his sofa.

"You're not hurt are you?" Magnus checked, tipping the boy's blue chin up to meet his eyes. Max sniffed and shook his head, avoiding eye contact. Magnus could see the sorrow in his eyes and his heart clenched at the sight. Magnus couldn't help feeling protective over the downworlders and warlocks - particularly young ones like Max as he couldn't have any children of his own. "Where's your brother?"

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