Chapter 1

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   "It's the lies you tell that keep me going"


I was lounging in my room, Maya's wallet between my fingers, when he came in with a sinister grin on his face. "Dude, you look like you finally killed Jen's fish. Wow, I always knew you hated that thing," I told him. My twin brother just stood there and cocked his head to one side, watching me like a predator would its prey.

Finally, Aidan opened his mouth. "You know what Dad did. Are you going to forgive him?" Aidan spoke in hushed tones, as Jenna and Liam were sleeping. I was stunned, unable to say anything as I remembered what happened.

Beginning of Flashback:

Aidan and I had just arrived home after hockey practice, bone tired and wanting to talk to Dad. Our team was invited to take part in a major game in Montréal, and Coach Samuels wanted to see if our Dad would be willing to chaperone.

"Dad, we're home!" Aidan hollered as we walked into his office, only to find it empty. That was strange, considering the fact that he hated leaving that room. As we wandered around the house, yelling out for him, a strange feeling of discomfort came over me.

Suddenly, a young woman's scream tore through the house. "Please, NOOOOOOO!" The sound seemed to be coming from our parent's bedroom. We ran upstairs and tried opening the door, only to find it locked. What was another woman doing here and why was she screaming? The truth dawned on me as we banged on the door. "Dad, LET US IN! Leave that woman alone!"

I kept on yelling until the door finally flew open. The next thing I knew, my dad was towering over us. "If you tell ANYONE what has happened here, it will be the end of you, got it?" My dad was growling. "No," I said firmly, standing my ground. I couldn't believe that Dad actually went that far. What would Maya think? Even worse, what would Jen and Liam think? They were just kids.

I shoved past my dad and into the room, to find Dad's chair upturned and the bed sheets messed up. The woman was on the floor, hands covering her face as sobs wracked her body . Through her hands I could make out a set of bright blue eyes, the colour of sapphires, when a lone tear slipped down her face. It sickened me to know that MY DAD was the cause of her pain. Her arms were covered in bruises and she was curled up in a ball, seemingly trying to escape reality.

Aidan's face was expressionless, and for the first time in 16 years, I doubted if we were even related. I turned to Dad and looked at him right in the eye,"How could pig!" Maya had to know. The woman wasn't making any movement to indicate that she was going to get up. I reached for the phone when Dad pounced on me. He tried wrestling the phone out of my hands, but I still caught it in a firm grasp.

"". My brother's face was vacant, as if he were lost in his own dream land. Dad's thick fingers wrapped around my neck. "Aidan...please!" I mustered in a cracked voice. In that moment I knew that I was going to die. Suddenly Aidan snapped out of it and leaped into action. He lunged onto Dad and held him off, while I helped the woman up. There was no time to call the police.

"What's your name?" I asked her quietly, trying to keep her calm. The woman looked me right in the eyes and before she could say anything, Dad broke free from Aidan's grasp and kicked him in the chest, forcing him to the ground.

Aidan lay on the floor, looking like a nine-year-old who had just thrown up. "Aidan," I reached for him. He was gently rocking himself back and forth, crying like the world depended on it. I glanced between him and the woman. At that moment, I felt something hard against my head. I lost my balance and fell, and suddenly, the world went black.

End of Flashback

How could I forget any of that? I remembered Dad lying to Maya, telling her that the hockey game had exhausted me and that was the reason why I 'fainted'. After dinner that night, Dad had cornered me, warning me to be careful as you could never predict fate. And Aidan? He kept insisting that I was deranged and delusional. He's convinced that nothing had happened. You were dreaming and I couldn't kill a fly and you know that are his two favorite catchphrases. What a douche.

For a while I didn't blame him, he just wanted to keep the family together. After a while though, it became clear that he was trying to protect Dad. As for that woman...she disappeared. If only she had given me a name, a number, any form of identification so I could help her. I called her the Blue Woman, based on the only physical aspect I could remember of her. I found myself alone nowadays, but I had everything recorded in my journal.

"You didn't fall asleep did you brother?" Aidan cut into my thoughts. "No, of course not!" There was a myriad of thoughts running through my head. Did he suddenly believe me? If so, did that mean he would finally help the woman receive justice? Either he was messing with me...or he was FINALLY accepting the truth. Everyone knew that he was the stupider one out of the two of us, even the teachers.

Aidan looked at me curiously. "Personally, I think you should forgive him. I mean, he did nothing wrong," he finally said. He had to be kidding. "Why on Earth would I do that?" I looked at him and gritted my teeth together. Aidan grinned, "You are lucky to have been forgiven, and don't you forget it," he snapped at me, fixing me with a cool glare. I opened my mouth and closed it again. "Exactly," he said. "What do you mean he forgave me?" I questioned, bewildered as to where this attitude was coming from. Aidan shrugged. "What he did was a crime, Aidan you KNOW that!" Aidan just stood there, watching me rant.

"If that were the case, he would have killed you by now, no?" I laughed a little too loudly. "Nice joke," I said finally recovering from laughter. Aidan glared at me, as if he were challenging me to say anything more. I shivered under the scrutiny of his gaze. So far, he had creeped the living daylights out of me.

He broke his gaze, feigning interest in a picture that I had stolen from Liam in the second grade. "You know," I flinched, shocked from the sudden action. Aidan was still facing the other way. "It's quite cold, I'm going to get a drink." He calmly left the room, leaving me glaring at the back of his head. I hated him more than ever at this point.

It felt like an eternity until I finally fell asleep. Suddenly I felt myself being shaken awake. "Wake up brother," Aidan whispered harshly. "Well, aren't you quite the considerate human being, waking people up when they are sleeping," I retorted sarcastically, pushing him off me. Aidan stared at me, his grin giving me a sense of malice. "I know you like milk, so I got you some," he said in a cheery voice. This felt oddly suspicious, but hey, this was Aidan. He wouldn't hurt a fly. "Okay...," I grabbed the cup tentatively and looked at the milk.

He gestured that I should drink it, so I gulped it all in front of him to make him satisfied. "Sleep well, brother dearest," why didn't I realize how smooth his voice was!? "Good night Aidan," I felt rather drowsy in that moment. In just a split second, I fell asleep.

Hey guys! That was the first chapter of the book! We hope you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below to tell us what you think.


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