Ch20~ Restarting The Road To My Recovery

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"Yes Katie Baby? What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Demi asks me

"Nothing" I tell her while giving off my famous "up to no good" smirk

"Mhm sure, why are you giving that up to no good smirk off then?. I will let that slide for right now, because we got a busy morning" Demi tells me

Soon the sink is almost filled and I sit on my vanity, Demi sat on the toilet facing me now while I got ready to shave my legs. I wet my legs down and slowly applied shaving gel on them. I pick up my razor and Demi gives me a encouraging look. As if to say that its alright, go on, shave your legs. But I cant. Once I pick up my razor they start shouting. My demons are back and they keep getting louder. 

They start to shout in my mind now 

Cut, Cut, Cut 

Come on you know you want to

You are not going to be missed if you do cut or kill yourself, just get it over with already. CUT

Demi doesn't even want your fat ass

And with that I dropped the razor on the bathroom floor. It hit it with a clink loud enough to echo off the walls. Tears start to rush from my eyes like no tomorrow. Demi looked up and rushed over to me. 

"What's wrong babygirl?" Demi asks me worriedly

"T....T....Th.....They....are...back" I try and get out. Shit I have a panic attack starting and breathing is getting harder. My lungs are starting to close up

"Alright baby girl, it will be okay. I'm right here. I need you to match my breathing. Babygirl you are having a panic attack. Come on match my breathing. In....Out....In...Out" Demi tells me as she brings my back into my chest so i can match her breathing.

When  my panic attack passes, Demi bends down to pick up my razor. Her free hand grabs one of my own and she rubs my nuckles. Demi ends up shaving my legs and as soon as she finishes I slip on my shorts and run to my bed. Diving into my bottom bunk and I let myself sob uncontrolably. I feel the bed sink next to me and myself be lifted into someone lap. I hear Demi start to sing Skyscraper followed by Warrior as I feel her rub my back. 

I am now calmed down and we go downstairs to see Maddie watching the ID channel...haha poor Maddie, Demi got her hooked on it to, just as she did to me. Demi speaks loudly telling us to get into the car that she will be there soon and we will head out for breakfast.

I hear Maddie challenge me to a race to the car and that winner gets shot gun. I blew right past her and beat her...then again I'm pretty sure she forget about me being in so many damn sports.

Once Demi finally joins us, she tells us that we are going to IHOP and then to the court house to legally change my name then nothing else besides going back home. 

Demi's POV

This morning was an extremely hard morning for me to handle. I faced the fact that my daughter is relapsing. I also faced the fact that I may need to send her to the therapist I saw when I first got out of rehab but I will be her decide. Maddie was surprised to finally learn Katie's middle names...Katie wants to change her name to Kaitlyn Devonne instead of Kaitlyn Jennifer. I dont mind her changing her name..thats sweet esspecially after she told me the reason why. Maddie, I couldn't help but giggle at her reaction to the middle names. But everything just makes me feel like a failed as a mother. My daughter is going through what I went through at her age. She is getting hate on social networks and there is nothing I can do to stop it no matter how hard I try. I am just thankful that she hardly ever uses her Twitter and she doesn't have a Facebook.

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