ONI's Secret and RWBY's Idea.

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Jackson's POV

I wake up to see another three hulking creatures. Rtal, Thira, and Daso.

"Wake up my friends." I said and everyone other than Ruby hoped up like we did in the UNSC and tossed each other's gear.

We quickly get ready as Ruby wakes up and gets ready. We walk downstairs to the outside where WBY are looking at the pelican.

I walk past them and walk to the cockpit with Damion following and climbing in the Main Piloting seat. Ajax comes in and gets in the gun control. I walk back and sit next to Ruby while Zur sits on my right.

Ruby lays her head on my shoulder, much to Yang's annoyance. Yang glares at me as I smile and pull Ruby on my lap. Yang's eyes go red as Ruby blushes and leans against me.

"You hurt her I'll end you. Ruby get off of him" Yang commands

Ruby smiles shakes her head no

Ruby smirks slightly and wiggles slowly.

Yang starts laughing at me as I'm blushing heavily, resisting my urges.

"R-Ruby s-some other t-time." I whisper softly

"Or what?" Ruby says with a smirk as she wiggles faster

"P-Please..." I say

Yang continues laughing
"What's wrong Jack? Got a problem?" She says laughing

I glare and lift Ruby off and walk to the cockpit seeing it's on autopilot. Damion and Ajax walk out leaving me in the cockpit.

Yang's POV

I watch Jack leave to the cockpit and Ajax walk to me and sit down. I tap his helmet and he takes it off looking at me.

"Yea?" He asks.
"Wanna make out?" I say smiling

"Ballsy. Sure why not." He says holding my hand pulling me to the cockpit as Jack leaves sitting in his spot

Jackson's POV
I sit down and Ruby climbs onto my lap leaning against me

"Sorry for earlier Jackie Boy" she whispers and kisses my cheek

"It's fine." I say to her closing my eyes
I awake as we're landing and I shake Ruby and she wakes up

"Quinn are you a stripper?" She says groggily

"No... what the fuck.." I say and lift her off of me while getting up.

I put my helmet on and the elites activate their helmets as a mask covers their faces. We step out of the pelican, our weapons aimed.

I look at the symbol at the building

"ONI. The secrets of Humanity" I say and we walk to the building.

Low growls are heard.

"Damion check the computer. Ezarion, Daso keep him covered. Zur watch the vent, Ajax top ledge get up there. Ruby you guys help me." I command and walk to the containment floor

I look at a list of species in the containment area

"Lekgolo. Ungoy. Sangheili war criminals, Epibu Labi Duki a lekgolo warrior." I say to no one in particular.

"Covenant..." I say and press a button releasing them all and standing up on a desk as they all notice and stand in front of me

"Warriors of the fallen covenant. They've abandoned you. I'm Jackson Quinn, welcome to Remnant, I'm a spartan who's left the Unsc." I say then a lekgolo stepped up wearing red armor with a symbol on his shield.

"I'm Epibu Labi Duki, a Lekgolo major. From the way you sound you're wanting us to join you?" Epibu says

"Yes. This land is plagued by creatures that feed of negativity. You guys are reeking of it." I say holding my hand out for Epibu

He takes it and turns to the others

"Lekgolo! Join us." He says as grunts are heard from the crowd

I turn and walk to the armory opening the creaky door.

"Arm yourselves." I tell them and walk to the systems room.

"Cool this shit can fly... of course it can fly" I say and flick a switch and a hangar door opens as a ship rises.

 of course it can fly" I say and flick a switch and a hangar door opens as a ship rises

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I look at its cargo from a computer.

"Scorpions, Warthogs, everything! This ship will be a incredible base" I say and order everyone to come to me and Damion to get the pelican.

I start up the ship as everyone gets in and Rtal takes over flying us out of the base. Damion flies into the hangar

We fly to Beacon landing at our own docking area. We walk out and see the familiar face of Ozpin

"Welcome back. I assume this is your new fighting force?" He says drinking his coffee

"Yep." I say and he walks away

Epibu and Zur walk to me
"Zur you have control of the ship" I say then walk to my dorm.
Next morning.

I wake up to my scroll ringing, I answer and Ruby asks for me to come to her dorm and bring the guys.

I wake up everyone and we get ready walking to Team RWBY's Dorm. I knock and Ruby lets us in.

We look at the girls unstable contraption of bunk beds.

"Look if we ever fuck. It's not gonna be in here." Ajax says causing me to laugh

"That's the truth" Ezarion says.

"Well stop laughing." Yang commands
"And maybe you'll learn something." She continues

We stop laughing

"Well Weiss and Blake have developed a little crush on Ezarion and Damion. They wanna go on a double date." She says and Yang chimes in

"Or a quadrupole... I'm fun with that" Yang says

Weiss is on her bed as red as Ruby's cloak, Blake reading ninjas of love not paying attention

"We're good with that girls." I say

"We'll pick ya up at 6." Ajax says

"Be ready" Damion says as we leave.

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