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jimin was running late to his dance class, having been caught up in work too much that he somehow forgot to watch the clock. the cafe was unusually packed for a thursday since it rarely ever gets any customer at that certain day. but seeing as the weather was starting to get less warm as thanksgiving season nears, jimin figures it must be that.

he rushed to change in his dance outfit, thanking hoseok for turning up the heater on to warm the temperature up, even just a little. due to the cafe being busy, jimin was forced to take the night class instead of his usual afternoon classes. yoongi had called him up so early in the morning, demanding for his immediate attendance in the cafe.

"you're late," was the first thing he hears when he entered the studio. hoseok was in the farthest front, his hands by his hips as he raised a brow at jimin, sending a stern gaze his way. based on the students already in their positions, it didn't take a genius for jimin to know that they pretty much have already started, and have probably finished a routine or two.

"sorry, the cafe was pretty packed." he trails off, tying his shoelaces before scurrying to his designated position. hoseok nodded at his statement before proceeding with his lesson. he pretty much have missed half the class already, but being one of the top dancer that he is, he caught up to the dance easily.

jimin's eyes curiously roamed over his classmates, gaze no longer searching for his best friend since taehyung was able to take the afternoon class earlier, and is now probably either working or already at home.

jackson, one of his fellow afternoon classmate, smiled and gave him a brief nod when their eyes met, to which jimin responded back with the same gesture. he didn't bother asking why he took the night class today, seeing as the boy seemed to be exhausted, it was probably because of the same reason as jimin's.

"okay, bend your left knee forward." he hears hoseok instruct, doing as the older said so as he tried perfecting his posture. "— you have to make your moves powerful. we are doing crumping, not some ballerina shit. your moves should possess power. it should be firm and fast." hoseok lectures, sending stern gazes to those students who did badly or just lazy to exert some effort.

jimin did the same thing hoseok said, putting more power to his moves as he repeats the routine over and over again. "very good, jimin. but do it faster." hoseok commented. jimin nodded, trying to do it faster this time.

"three months from now we are set to compete amongst the streets. don't belittle this moment to practice harder. you are no legend, and so am i, but when put together, we could make a great team— maybe even the best." he says, a small frown on his face as he steps closer to a student. "you didn't pay shit just to be humiliated on the dance floor. own up
to it."

this was what he liked about hoseok. he is very passionate when it comes to dancing. probably because he had devoted almost all his life trying to raise a whole academy solely for dancing. he may have sacrificed a lot of things along the way, but seeing the wonderful academy he built, jimin thinks all those sacrifices were worth it.

he had always admired hoseok, especially when it comes to dancing. the boy can turn into a crumping beast to a powerful contemporary dancer in just a snap of a finger. he had always wanted to able to dance just as flexible as the older, making hoseok his inspiration in aspiring his dreams.

he was too caught up admiring the glory of his teacher that he failed to realised that hoseok had sent them to a ten minute break. it was only then when he was snapped out of his trance when he felt something hard collided with him, making him jolt as it sends his feet outbalanced. "oh, shi–" he hears someone curse.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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