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'DalDal... Something bad happened!!! Please come back quickly!' Jess slumped out of his chair, eyes wide open as he looked down at the crimson colour staining his shirt. He was in shock but the pain, the insufferable pain was so there and prominent in his mind and body... And it hurt. It hurt so goddamn bad.

"Bambi?! Holy shit!" Alexander shot up from his chair, rushing to his beloved's side. Immediately after reaching his side, he helped the young male lay on the floor. Whipping his head to the side, he glared at the panicking people.

"Hurry up and call 911! Put them on speaker and pass me the phone! Also, to whoever shot my baby, I will find you and I will get you put on death row. Do not doubt my capabilities. Now, is anyone here a doctor?" His voice was rather calm for the situation but anyone with ears could hear the underlying tone of anger and despair. It was obvious that he had some sort of deep connection and bond to the man.

A soft grandmotherly looking woman quickly pulled out her phone and dialled 911, quickly giving a brief of the situation and sitting down next to Alexander and the boy, putting her phone on speaker and holding it with trembling hands.

While this was happening, a rather stern, wise-looking middle-aged man approached the situation and quickly helped aid Alexander in attempt to save Finley's life. Very quickly, he explained that he was a doctor for the military

Even without being a professional, one could diagnose that the boy was most likely going to die if he didn't receive surgery immediately. "I don't think he's going to make it... We can try but I can't... I don't know if he can pull through this, where the bullet appears to be lodged and the size is not promising."

Alexander froze for a second; he couldn't believe it. His Bambi was most likely going to die. And it happened under his watch as well.

The male lead could barely contain the rage inside him and really wished that at that moment, he could go kick things and torture whoever dared to hurt his precious Bambi.

But seeing the pained appearance of his most beloved person, he knew he couldn't let go of that rage just yet.

He grabbed onto Finley's small, pale hands and squeezed tightly. "You listen here and you listen good, you are not allowed to die@ You're not allowed to leave me! Okay?! You can't. You just can't. I can't live without you in my life anymore and I can't hide my feelings for you anymore."

Jess opened his eyes very slowly and stared straight at the teary-eyed Alexander. Seeing the normally calm and composed man looking so desperate and in pain, he smiled a small, pain-filled smile and squeezed as hard as he could on Alexander's hand.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me right now, you worry about you. I'm much stronger than you think and don't you ever forget that, okay?"

Hearing those words Alexander's tears started to leak and stream down his face. He leant down, peppering soothing kisses on his Bambi's knuckles and trying to stop himself from sobbing.

"You'll make it through this, you will! The paramedics are on their way right now and soon enough, you'll be going to the hospital to get treatment and you'll live. Imagine what Mama and Papa will be like if you don't fight! Imagine what your friends are going to feel if you don't! You have to! You can't stop fighting!"

Seeing the life in Jess' eyes seem to be fading away, Alexander failed to stifle the loud sobs within him.

Right there and then, the infamously cold and emotionless Alexander Chase broke down and cried. Hard. And throughout the whole ordeal, the dying Jess just gently stroked his hands.

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