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Bit of swearing this chapter. Also protective best bud queen Jess/Finley makes an appearance.


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'You've got to be f*cking kidding me.' Jess' tone was dark and his face was pulled into an angry scowl. DalDal wanted to hide when he saw his host's fearsome glares... It looked like host did when someone touched his diamonds without permission — basically, very, very scary.

---[B-But Host, all your signs point towards being in love! There's no doubt about it]---

'I am not in love with a person — the only thing I love is diamonds! No, I am 100% sure it's a curse!'

--[Host its love, I swear!]--- {And it will let you complete one of your quests...]

'No DalDal, it's not. Don't try and say it's not a curse when I know!'

And with an aggravated huff, Jess blocked DalDal out.

Finley, Delilah, Emily and Rachel all walked in a straight line,  complicated Starbucks orders in one hand

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Finley, Delilah, Emily and Rachel all walked in a straight line, complicated Starbucks orders in one hand. On their free arm, they linked arms with one of the others — Finley and Delilah, Emily and Rachel. They looked like every basic white girl out there as they laughed with one another, walking in perfect sync.

Out from the side came a tall, pretty good-looking male who slinked up to Rachel, wrapping his tanned and muscly arm around her slim waist. In reply, Rachel unlinked her arm with Emily and gave her a nudge to send her to Finley and Delilah.

Seeing Rachel feeling uncomfortable, Finley and Delilah glanced at one another, unlinking their arms simultaneously. Finley walked in front of Rachel, the manhandler and Emily, causing them to stop. The two had their resting b*tch faces on, looking completely fed up.

Finley reached out and slapped the man's hand harshly, causing him to let go of Rachel's waist and cradle it to his chest like a baby.

"Paws off." Finley glared at the boy, ushering Rachel behind him like a mother hen. He then held out his hand, to which Delilah placed a baby wipe and hand sanitizer. With a mocking smile, he wiped down the hand that he slapped the manhandler with, still continuing to stare.

Slightly cowering under Finley's gaze, Matthew was filled with fear — it was at that moment, he knew.... he f*cked up.

Finley let out a sharp, ear-piercing whistle and two buff football players walked up to him and like two big dogs, they awaited their owner's orders.

With an evil snarky look and without taking his eyes off Matthew, he ordered. "Luke, Jax, dispose of the trash, it's hurting my eyes."

"As you say, Your Highness," The two men complied with the order, moving forward to capture the wide-eyed Matthew by his arms. Seeming to be completely ignorant of the fact that Matthew was struggling to get out of their hold, they dragged him away and out of sight.

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