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Song : 'Cat & Dog' by TXT

• Song : 'Cat & Dog' by TXT

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"I need to sleep."

【Unknown You】

"You actually talked to someone nicely, am I dreaming?" Yoongi mocked folding his hands over his chest, and uninterested smug over his face.

Jimin let out a puff of breath and pulled back his usual aura. Why am I behaving like this, so sweet and caring towards her? He asked himself. It's truly very far from his usual behaviour, not that he is absolutely heartless.

Jasmine is continuously going in and out of her consciousness, not having any clue about what is happening to her or where she is. She doesn't even know who Jimin is but she sure does know that the voice is quite familiar. She is trying hard to get her pieces back together and wake up but her head hurts a lot more than she can handle, which ultimately lead her to fall limp again.

"Your sleeping beauty is gone again~" Yoongi teased before turning around and making his way out the room. He didn't want Jimin to go all hulk on him.

"Jasmine?" Jimin whispered, cupping her face in his hands. Forgetting Yoongi and his sarcastic side, he tries to get the girl up again, shaking her body but then he realises something odd. Her body is more heated than it should be.

She is having a fever.



It has been nearly half an hour. Keeping everything aside and forgetting that an actual world exists, Yoongi is passed out on the couch once again. He is not called a sloth by older hyung for no reason.

By now, some of the other members of the house stood before the gate, unlocking to come inside. Jin, the eldest hyung is holding some big black bags in his hands while Namjoon is busy pressing in the passcode.

It has been past eight and Seokjin is worried about cooking for his housemates. No one beside him knows even the C of cooking which makes him the only person to feed them plus the only person to take care of all of them.

When both of them step inside the house, Namjoon and Jin notice a weird silence. Lights of the living room are also off making everything more suspicious for them.

Jin earlier sent Jimin for groceries and he knew that it wouldn't take much for him to come back. He also remembers Yoongi being inside the house, not going anywhere. It's clearly impossible to have such a dead house at this point of the day.

"Namjoon-ah? Turn the lights on!" Jin said, slowly kneeling beside the table kept near the entrance. He kept the bags aside and reaches out under the table, fingers wrapping around a familiar metal object stuck under. He quickly pulls out the gun and points it inside while Namjoon turns the lights on after finding the switches in dark.

They both looked through the house carefully, tracing any possible odds. Maybe they had been attacked.

Both of their eyes lands on a mob of grey hair on the couch, body unmoving. Worried-ness instantly rising in the pit of their stomach seeing the sleeping Yoongi, whom they thought was hurt, only if they knew the reality.

They both quickly ran to his supposed unconscious body, worried sick. Jin kneels down in front of Yoongi's passed out body while Namjoon stands behind him looking worriedly over his friend.

"Yoongi-ya!!" He shakes the sleeping boy making him starlet and wake up quickly. His sleepy eyes look at his hyung lazily scratching his head.

"Is it an earthquake?" He asked his hyung in a husky, sleepy voice.

"Ya!! What happened here?! Why is this place so dead?" Jin shouts pointing towards all the ripped open packets all over the couch. But inside he is happy and relieved that it was just the lazy Yoongi who didn't turn the lights on and was sleeping like a dead person.

"Aish! Why can't I have a decent sleep in this-" Yoongi suddenly gets cut off by a weirdly delicate, fragile and almost on the verge of crying voice that made not even just Jin and Namjoon but also Yoongi to turn towards it wide-eyed.

"Hyung, I need your help!" Worried out of his wits, Jimin stood by his doorway looking helpless just for a girl whom he knew not even for a month.


"Why didn't you call a doctor?" Jin asked taking the thermometer out of Jasmine's mouth. It's very awkward for everyone. No one in the house has ever bought a girl home and having a sick girl is even a very big deal. On top of everything, Jimin is the one who bought her. It's strange for everyone.

"I did! He is out of town!" Jimin said getting frustrated. For him, Jasmine is a responsibility. He promised her to keep her safe. He just can't get her out sick like this. "I tried cold water cloth. It's not working! Do something hyung, please!"

If she is important to Jimin, than she is important to Jin too.


Bright blinding sun rays were the only reason that woke up Jasmine. Her eyes open up in slits trying to adjust to her surroundings. She doesn't know for how long she has been passed out, a week or a month?

She carefully opens her eyes, still feeling a stinging pain in the back of her head. Exactly what happened to her that lead her here is still unknown to her.

She blinks down rapidly, trying to clear her blurry vision. Her eyes took upon an unfamiliar white ceiling, raising her nervousness.

"How are you feeling now?"

A more than familiar voice spoke from beside her. She quickly turns towards him, relief washing through her. She remembers correctly that the last time she woke up, a guy 'Jimin' spoke to her. Him being unknown was the only reason she fell limp again, going back into unconsciousness due to her rising anxiety of being caught.

It's a huge relief to finally see someone known, whom she can trust, beside her. A small, tired smile spreads across her face as she looks at him.

He leans forward, his large palm gently cupping her cheek. He flashes his cute bunny smile, making her heart flutter.

"Jungkook" Jasmine breaths out, her voice scratchy. "W-where am I? Who took me here?"


Another voice said from behind Jungkook. They both turn towards the doorway finding Jasmine's neighbour boy standing there with an uninterested face. His hands crossed across his chest. His oh-so-beautiful biceps on display, which Jasmine guess he was purposefully bulging, making her slightly drool over him.

What did I ask again? 

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