Chapter 5

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Sam was the first to notice that Dean was back. John and Bobby weren't far behind. Dean was sulking in the kitchen as the three of them were asking him questions; where's Faith and Cass? Why isn't she here? Why did you come back? What happened? Dean was more compelled to answer none of the questions, but he knew that the main question had to be answered.

"She was being held in a room inside a building. We got to the room and found blood, a lot of it too. Turns out that it was Azazel's brother, Alastair. He came and kidnapped Faith. Then Cass plopped me back here." John and Bobby knew who Alastair was and knew what he was. Sam, on the other hand, had no idea.

"Who's Alastair?"

"We are so screwed. He's the Torturer of Hell," John said. This left everyone in a state of shock. Everyone was thinking the same thing; if he has Faith and is the true Torturer of Hell, what's happening to her? No one felt comfortable answering the question in their mind. The four of them were taken back from their thoughts by the clock. One, two...ten, eleven, and twelve. It was midnight and Faith wasn't here. Lilith was coming and their last hope was gone. They prepared themselves for the fight that would be remembered for the rest of their lives.


Her grace had never felt more vulnerable than it did now. Alastair had a needle ended-whip that had been dipped in acid in his hand and had struck her at least twenty-five times.

The front of her body looked like a grizzly bear had attacked her. All around her feet was a pool of her blood. She was surprised that she hadn't died already from blood loss. Then she heard it.

The church's bell from across the street had begun to bong. She counted the number of times it struck. Twelve. She had failed. Lilith was coming for her family and she wasn't there to stop it. Sam was going to die and the apocalypse would start.

"Oh my god, no."

Alastair had began to laugh, "You stupid insect. Did you really think that you would be there in time for your family's death? My mother will surely enjoy killing Sam. And then when your stupid brother makes a deal, she'll come for you. And she will kill you."  And then the earth began to shake.

The ceiling became split in two. The Enochian warding, however, stayed intact. Alastair became paranoid, "No, no, no! He can't be here! Mother promised."

Just then, the door flew open and there stood Castiel, angel blade in hand. For some reason, his appearance made her excited. She didn't know why. It's not like she liked him. Then she realized she did. He was always rescuing her. He was always there for her.

"Let her go," he said. He looked past Alastair and saw Faith.

His eyes became wide. He didn't realize that she would look that bad. Her face wasn't the pretty, small face he had seen yesterday. It was scratched, bruised, and bloody and her nose and mouth had blood running from it. Where her neck should be was replaced by mutilated bones and melted skin. He looked at the table that contained Alastair's tools. He saw the acid and the daggers and the whips.

Alastair had broken him from his thoughts, "How cute. You thought that if you saved this petty thing that maybe, just maybe, she'd fall for you. Well, that won't happen if she's dead."

Suddenly, he grabbed one off the daggers off the table and threw it at her. It hit her at her collarbone. She screamed in agony.

Castiel couldn't help himself. He flung himself at Alastair and tried to put his hand on his forehead to kill him, but instead he got a whiff of sulfur.

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