Chapter 6

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Sam and Faith spent their days together in the Panic Room side by side in a bed, out of consciousness. Castiel and Dean never left the room.

Dean had to know so he asked, "Are you two dating?"

Castiel looked up, "Will it make you uncomfortable if I said yes?"


Castiel sighed, "Then no, I am not dating your sister."

Dean put his hand to his forehead, "You are! Just great. I have a sister who is an angel and is dating an angel. Who could've asked for more?"

This was all new to Dean. He had watched movies where brothers are over protective of their sisters when it came to boyfriends, but that never happened to them.

She could never stay in one place for that long to acquire a relationship. And now it had finally happened and he had no idea what to expect. Should he be happy that she's dating someone like her? Should he be watching this angel's every move?

He decided that he was to be happy when she was around and when she wasn't, he would be watching this angel very closely. Faith's body wasn't getting any better with time. Her collarbone was still sticking out. Dean didn't want to know what she had gone through, but he asked anyway, "What happened to her?"

"He tortured her. He pumped her blood full of acid. When I showed up, she had five daggers sticking out of her. He had a needle ended whip in his hand. He had whipped her at least twenty-five times. She went through hell because she wouldn't take one deal."

"What was it," Dean asked.

"Alastair wanted to know where her family was so he could kill them. She went through all of that for you." Dean looked back down at his sister. She really did love them; she loved them so much that she would die for them.

Dean's eyes had tears in them, "If you hurt her, like my brother did, I swear I will take her angel blade from her, hunt you down and kill you."

Castiel shook his head, "I understand." Castiel had gotten up from the chair that he was sitting on and walked toward Faith. He put his hand on her head and all of a sudden, Faith's body had gone back to normal and she sat straight up. Her collarbone was no longer sticking out and the scratches and bruises were gone.

"Faith," Dean said. She looked at Dean and got up to hug him.

She was crying, "I never ever, ever want to do that again."

This only made Dean hug her tighter, "I know. When we find him, I swear I will kill him." She released Dean's hug and turned toward Cass.

He was smiling, "I'm glad you're ok."

She, too, was smiling, "You healed me." She rushed to hug him. He embraced her hug with passion and Dean finally saw it.

Cass really did love Faith. He had nothing to worry about. This was probably the best thing that happened to her. Faith let go of the hug and kissed him. Dean was disgusted. He had never wanted to see Faith kiss anyone, ever. Now he was watching Castiel move his arms down to her waist and pull her closer.

Faith pulled back and said, "You probably weren't expecting that, were you Dean?" She turned her head to look at him.

He cleared his throat, "I've had worse." She laughed, but suddenly stopped when she saw her brother.

"Oh my god, no. This can't have happened. He wasn't supposed to die." She had walked toward the bed and sat next to Sam's lifeless body. She put her hand on his forehead, but nothing happened. She couldn't heal him. She started to cry. Cass had walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. She got up and walked out of the panic room.

Dean said to Cass, "Can you fix him?"

He shook his head, "He is beyond help now. He is with the Lord."


John and Bobby were happy to see that Faith was healthy and walking around, but that didn't solve the problem about Sam.

Bobby was researching everything he could about bringing people back from the dead, but only one answer kept popping up, crossroads deal. You make a deal with a crossroads demon and then in ten years, a hellhound will come for you and your soul goes to hell.  Only one person seemed interested in making that deal, Dean.

"No, you can't! You are not going to Hell for this. We'll find a way," Faith said. She didn't want to tell them about what Zachariah had told her. That would be too much in one night.

But Dean was persistent, "What other choice do we have? We can't live without Sam, you know that!"

"But, we can't live without you either," Faith replied.

"We could look for him in Heaven," Castiel suggested. Everyone liked that idea.

Castiel and Faith would look for Sam in Heaven and convince him to come back. Faith and Cass left immediately to look for him, but something was bothering Dean.

He didn't think that they would find him. He had to be the one who could bring him back. He had always given Sam such a hard time and now that he's gone, it was just too much for Dean to take in.

So he decided that he would do what he had wanted to do from the beginning. It was around midnight when John and Bobby had fallen asleep. Dean got up from the chair and headed out the door.

He stopped before walking out and looked back at John and Bobby. He thought of what their reaction would be if he told them what he going to do. He continued through the door and got into his car.

He already knew where he was going. There was a crossroads three miles out of town. That's where his destination was. He was going to make the deal.

Hand in hand, Faith and Castiel aparated to Mary Winchester's Heaven. This was the only heaven that Faith knew, so Cass decided to look there first. They avoided Mary so they didn't have to tell her what happened to Sam and why they were there.

They found nothing. They moved on into the next heaven. Nothing. This cycle kept repeating itself. They couldn't find Sam. Something wasn't right. They had gone through every heaven and he wasn't there. It's not like Sam's soul went to Hell. Then Faith realized it. Sam's soul wouldn't be in heaven if he wasn't dead.

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