Chapter 2

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Sam, John, and Bobby returned to find Dean alone in the kitchen.

"Where's Faith," John asked.

"Castiel came and took her to his superior. He said that he wanted to talk to her because he has work for her," Dean answered solemnly.

"What the hell, Dean? You can't just let her go with an angel that we hardly know to Heaven to talk to a superior that we don't even know!" John exploded.

"You don't think I tried to keep her here? She volunteered to go, just to see what he wanted."

Sam asked, "Do we even have a name for this superior?"

Dean sighed, "Zachariah. Castiel said that because she's an angel, she serves Heaven and its will. And then they were just gone, like poof." Everyone was baffled. They didn't know what to do. Faith was gone with two angels that they hardly knew and had no leads with where she is.

"Well, we could call Castiel; try to make him tell us where she is," Bobby suggested. It wasn't a good plan, but it was the only one they had. They decided that Dean would be the one to call him seeing as how he was the only one here when he came for Faith.

"Dear Castiel, I pray that you have your ears on and drag your holy ass down here. We need to talk to you." They looked around to find no angel in their presence. Dean turned around to look at Sam, "Maybe he's doing something."

"You know if you just pray to me nicely, I might come quicker." Dean turned around to see Castiel standing in front of him. Right in front of him.

"OK if you're gonna come when we call, you need to learn about personal space."

Castiel looked down, "My apologies." He backed away from Dean and nodded his head toward Sam, John, and Bobby.

"Where's my daughter?" John asked.

"In Heaven with Zachariah, my superior," he answered.

"When will she be back here," Sam asked.


John shook his head, "That's not gonna happen, buddy. She's coming home, today."

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen. We have other things to worry about."

Bobby turned his head, "Like what?"

"Lucifer's first born has escaped Hell."

John said, "You mean Lilith? She's knee deep in the pit according to the demon I last talked to."

"You're mistaken. She escaped the night you killed Azazel. She's coming after the family that killed her son."  Dean looked back at Sam and John.

"When?" Sam asked.

"Tomorrow at midnight. She's bringing her army of demons here." This was worse than finding out that Sam and Faith are different. They couldn't fend off one of the most powerful demons on the planet. With Faith gone, they have almost no weapons.

"What are we supposed to do?" Dean asked.

"Draw devil's traps; salt the doors, and holy water in the sprinkler system. That'll keep her at bay until I can get Faith and bring her back. She's your only chance."

Sam stuttered, "Wait, wait, wait, I thought you said she wouldn't be coming back. "

Castiel walked around the kitchen, "She needs to learn how to develop her powers otherwise she'll be vulnerable. Even if it is against my superior's orders, I will bring her back, but I don't know where she is so I might be a while. She will be back by tomorrow, I promise. Oh, Lilith's vessel is an eight-year-old girl with blonde hair." And with that, he was gone. The four of them immediately began to work. Sam and Dean were to put a holy cross in the water tank and salt the windows and doors while John and Bobby drew the devil's traps.

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