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*3 years ago*

Ever since I was young, I found out that there's something wrong with me, I can read their thoughts, I can also hear them.

I was walking at the center of New York, I was walking in a sea of people.

Every person I passed by I heard their thoughts.

They don't know I have this ability, I've been carrying this for almost 15 years.

Simula noon hanggang ngayon walang pinagbago, naririnig ko padin sila, nababasa, pero walang bago, walang nag babago.

Until I met him.

I stared at him because he's just freaking handsome, I tried to read his mind but I failed, it's the first time, I can't read he's fucking mind.

I think this is stupid but I talked to him using my mind.

I tried.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked foolishly, I know he will never answer because who can communicate with their minds right?

"You can here me?" Someone replied, I think I heard someone while I was looking at this handsome guy.

"Yes, I can hear you, where are you?" I played with the ones thought, I only talked in my mind but what shocked me when he stood in front of me....

He didn't talk, he didn't move.

"You're the one I spoke to right?" I can't move, did he just talked to me using his mind?

And what's more shocking is I can communicate to him as well, I replied.

"Y-you can hear me?" I just looked at his handsome face, no voices, no moves, only our minds, we can communicate.

"How come you can hear me? But I can't read you?" I asked him

He stared to me.

"I can read your mind"

I can read your mindWhere stories live. Discover now