8: The Thank You Project

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Wednesday 8th March

I haven't written in my diary for a while, mostly just because there hasn't really been much going on recently. Carmelita is still mean, I still spend everyday measuring pointless things and the cafeteria food is still god-awful. It just seems like every single day has been the same recently, hence why I haven't written about it. Who would ever want to read the same diary entry over and over again? Then again, no one would be reading my diary so it's not like I had to cater to an audience.

Speaking of people reading diaries, last week we all experienced the first (of probable many) diary-based attacks. AKA: some poor girl wrote about her crush in her diary and now the whole school knows because Carmelita found the diary and had her goons stick pages from it all around the school.

It turned into a bit of a sick game, with everyone rushing around the school to figure out the whole scoop. But to make matters worse, Carmelita blacked out the name of the girl's crush and then claimed that the girl had feelings for Vice Principle Nero.

If you had any sort of brain you would realise that Carmelita was clearly lying. But this is Prufrock we're talking about, which means everyone and their aunt were talking about the girl's apparent love for the vice principle.

In other news, the Baudelaires seemed to be getting on well. Since this whole new load of gossip took off, they had successfully fallen under Carmelita's deadly radar. As much as I feel bad for the girl in question, I can't help but be relieved that the Baudelaires can breathe a bit easier now, at least until the next thing comes along that Carmelita wants to draw attention to and nit-pick.

Duncan and I have got closer to the Baudelaires, which is a nice feeling. It's great that we have each other and we understand each other because of how similar our lives were. It's an amazing coincidence that we met.

The Baudelaires have also seemed to adapt to the repetitive lifestyle of Prufrock: doing the same things day in and day out. At first they questioned it a lot. They would ask a lot of things like "Does the curriculum ever change?" or "Will we ever be taught about ___?" But nowadays they didn't ask those questions anymore. Thinking about it, I'm not sure if they got used to the routine or they just got bored of asking questions with disappointing answers.

Something that took me by surprise though, considering Prufrock's same-old same-old nature, was the talk of a dance. 

Carmelita danced everyday (incredibly badly, might I add) but this was different. I'm not sure if she wanted to laugh at everyone else's dancing or if she just wanted an excuse to throw a party, but Carmelita made up a fake national holiday and demanded that Vice Principle Nero planned a dance for it.

I've never been to a dance, so I was planning on just not going. But then Carmelita announced today that it would be mandatory to attend. It was being thrown on Friday next week, meaning that I had just over a week to try and enjoy myself before that stress began. Somehow I didn't want to be in a semi-lit room with Carmelita and her cronies.

Also, about an hour ago, something kind of weird happened. Carmelita tap-danced over to our cafeteria table as usual (which I'll never understand. Why would she keep visiting our table if she hated us so much? Didn't it make more sense to just avoid us altogether?) and giggled for no reason. Then she started boasting about how both Steve and Harry had asked her to the dance and that she would probably have to just go with the two of them so she wouldn't hurt their feelings.

Then she said, "Remember Violet, Isadora, if you don't have dates I'll just have to make you waitresses for the whole night. But then again, I might as well just give you your aprons now since no ones going to ask you anyway."

And then, as she was sniggering to herself and about to tap-dance away, Klaus said that I already had a date and that I was going with him. It was obviously just a cover up but it was still nice of him to do that. Klaus' statement wiped the smile off of Carmelita's smug face for a few seconds so it was worth it and I guess it kind of helped me avoid an awkward situation.

So, I know that he's never going to read this but, thank you Klaus. Thank you for always being nice to me and helping me out.


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