Blushing like a whore in church

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I woke up to a blast of a cold force hitting my face. I swung my eyes opend.

"What the hell?!?!" i screethced. Only to see Calum rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter and Ashton holding his stomach as water formed in his eyes.

"I..told you... I'd get you... back" Ashton said while attempting to catch his breath.

"Oh you have no clue what you started Ash!" I squinted "You too cal! I'll get my revange when you boys least expect it. When you finally think you're safe and i have forgotton, I will strike. I'd be sleeping with one eye open if i were you boys, Or even better taking sleeping shifts." I said as getting up.

The two boys backed up looking at me. I could tell by their faces they new they were in deep shit. Raising there hands up as in surrender they slowley backed towards the kitchen.

"Ash and I have to go do some errands" Calum stutterd "Love you" he said sqeezing me into a hug then rushing out the door. "Uhh...Yeah yeah." Ash said kissing my cheek with his hands still raised. Then following calum out the door.

When I hear their car start I couldn't stop laughing. What pussies I thought. After cleaning up our mess from last night . I sat on my bed thining about the incident with Luke. What did it even mean. Was he serious? Or maybe he just wants me to be one of his late night sluts! The thought brought anger to me till i heard my stomach growel. I looked at the clock and it was already 12:03 I sighed.

I could really go for another veggie burger at Brandies again. I smiled sending a quick text to Cal.

*Gonna grab a burger from brandies, come if you guys arent too scared (; *

*Scared? Pfftt.. We'll meet up in a bit. After We finish up some stuff.* - cal

Good I thought. I took my time to get ready. Putting on a pair of blue jean shorts ( a little short, but not to revealing) then my tie dye mixtapes top. Then to pull everything off a pair of black van that matched the wording. I didnt have to do my hair since i did not wash it last night, but i did do a quick make up fix. I smiled at my appearance. Ive gotten a bit of a tan since i moved, it looked nice. Feeling good now I walked to Brandies.

Walking in i went to go be seated when a whistel blew my way.

"Over here" I heard a thick accent. I turned to see a green haired boy. He had tats and peircings like Luke. Infact Im pretty sure this was one of his mates. He was sitting with a groupe of boys at the corner booth. Some faces i recognized from school, others not. I think his name was mike? I smiled sweetly.

He was sure sweet on the eyes. His style fit him well. he looked good. Infact pretty much all his friends did. What the hell is in this water here? Pure sex? God Damn Ausies and their good looks. I slowley walked over.

"Hey you're the new girl right?" He smiled. And a few boys were glancing up to watch, others caried on with their coversations or were on their phones. I smiled again.

"Um yeah i guess, the names Delilah though." I chuckled.

"Oh, Im Micheal but you can call me mikey." he winked.I felt a light tint touch my cheeks and i looked at the ground.

"Well it was nice to meet you."I said politely getting ready to walk away.

"Wait where are you going? You just got here." He said sweetly. "Sit with us, you could always make some new mates." then before i could answer i got a text. Looking at my phone it read a text from Cal.

*Some stuff came up. I swear we're not scared -.- we'll hang out another time. Sorry lil.*

I looked up to see him patiently waiting for my reply. "Oh why not? My friends are busy anyway." He grinned making room for me.

The waiter came by askings us what we would like to order. I heard a lot of burgers and fries names i couldnt keep up. i was the last one and now all the boys were being loud.

"And for you dear?" She asked kindly.

"Ill have medium fri low salt, a ice tea with lemon and sugar please. And lastly a veggie burger." i smiled but all the sudden it got very quiet. She walked away to place our orders and i looked up to boys staring at me.

"What?" i asked the wide eye boys and a couple of goofy grinnig ones.

Finally a boy with a black fringe and Bright green eyes spoke up. He had had his septum pierced and a sleeve done. Then I analyzed what he said.

"Are you vegan or something?" he bit his lip.Holy hes hot.

"Somthing i guess," I blushed "Im actually vegatarien." I smiled shyly..

"Wow" a boy next to him bit his lip to. They looked as if they were almost related. He had a brown Fringe that stuck up in some parts (almost like the younger christopher drew) eyes matched, and plugs a little smaller than Luke's

"Well,animals are friends too." i said happy he looked intereted. " you can try my burger when it arrives?" I offered a smile.

"I would love too" he winked then whispered somthing in the similar looking boys ear causing him to chuckle shaking his head."Also maybe sometime you can have me over to try a homeade vegaterian meal?" he bit his lip again. Oh dear im blushing like a whore in church. I nodded shyly as his brother high fived him.

"Oh by the way these two are Austin" he said pointing at the brunette, "and his brother Bo."he said towrds the one with the black fringe. "The rest of these guys live in their own worlds, so you dont have to worry about them flirting." he nudged me. Which brought along once again another blush.

"Here you are." the waitress flashed me a smile handing me my plate. Which austin oh so gladly grabbed my burger taking a bite. It took him a minute but he smiled and said it actually tasted pretty good.

Just a Taste of Luke Hemmings (punk)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu