the note

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I knew this was coming but we just got here. I at least thought she'd wait till we settled in. I grabbed the note to read

< Delilah, I had to leave for a work call. I'm sorry I left so soon. I also left you some money on the counter its about $250. I'll be back in a few days if you end up needing more I left my a card in my drawer. Sorry again I had to leave early. Feel free to go by food or order take out. Don't forget to be safe and make good choices. I promise when I get home ill unpack everything!!! love MOM>

I threw the money in my dresser. Well I guess I'll be having a little more alone time then I was expecting. Guess I'll also be ordering pizza tonight. Blink 182 was playing through my room while I scrolled down tumbler. Oh tumbler I'll never understand how you can go from cute little kittens to uhmmm rated R things...

*Ding Dong* Ooo pizza is here!!! The music was getting quieter as I rushed down the steps. Then when I opened the door I swear I saw a model. This boy could have came strait out of a magazine. He flashed me a beautiful smile. He had dark brown hair styled in a quiff , milk chocolate brown eyes, and nice clear skin. He's eyebrow piercing shined at the lights. Just to top all this off tats covered his right arm and were peaking from under his black v-neck tee shirt on his chest..

Then I realized I was starring " Oh I'm so sorry, here let me grab your money." I said embarrassed. He chuckled "Umm actually my names Jacob but you can call me Jake, I'm your neighbor. I saw you fall on your step earlier an thought I should come check if you ok." he smirked. Oh god how embarrassing he saw me fall. I'm such a loser. He probably only came to pity me.

"Well come in I'll pay you back and thanks I think I'll survive from the fall"' I chuckled back. " Oh its fine its on me as long as I can stay an get to know you." he smirked. Is this safe? Or a good choice like my mom said? Oh hell who cares he's hot. Its a new place and I'm going to live a little.

"So you like the summer set? its a good band, I don't find many gorgeous girls with good music taste around here." he flashed me another smile and I found my cheeks heating up. Did he just call me gorgeous? Then I realized the song Chelsea playing up stairs. " Thank you Jake. I'm going to go turn off my music I'll be right back down hun just give me one second. Oh by the way my name is Delilah." as soon I was up stairs I shut off my music, laptop, and fixed my hair.

I walked back down then stopped by the fridge " Do you want a sherli temple Jake?" I yelled well getting the things out of the fridge. When I turned around he was behind me with his hands placed on my hips . "Yess its my favorite buttercup!!" he grinned. "buttercup? I like it aha its my favorite candy." I laughed.

Oh my god he smells so good. I feel like a freak and his voice oh lord its low an his accent is raspy an strong. This cant be real. I mean do all the guys here drink "sexy water" or something? Also why can't I stop drooling over them??

We ate pizza, talked about bands for a while, then played 20 questions. I found out he goes to a different high school, his favorite color was green, he was 17, and favorite movies were horror films.

This is all to unreal. He is literally perfect.

It was his turn for our last question, when he asked "Would you maybe like to go on a date with me sometime?" What? He is so out of my league. He sat there waiting for a answer. So I tried acting like I was thinking hard. Strumming my fingers on my chin "I mean I suppose Jake." I smirked as he let out a sigh of relief.

Sadly it was time for him to go. We talked till about 8:45 then he said he had to get going before his parents freak. We swopped numbers at my door. "It was nice getting to know you buttercup." He winked then bent down an kissed me on the cheek. Then just like that he was gone.

Well there goes the chance of me getting any sleep tonight. I couldn't help but smile like a dummy when he left. Jake was so sweet an so good looking. I just don't get why I didn't feel butterflies like I did with Luke.

Is there something wrong with me? I mean Luke is a jerk why am I even thinking about him? Oh I dunno maybe it has to do with the fact he's mysterious and hot. Whatever I've already been though this he's bad news. And anyways now I have a date with the hot punk next door. Who need Luke when I have Jake? Right. Right?

I don't know what time I dozed off but I sure do remember waking up. *real friends alarm*.

Gahhhh I hate schoollll. Why cant I just snap my fingers and be ready for the day? Or like in a Disney movies have birds and animals do all the work? I sit up to check my phone. An just like that he put a dummy smile right back on my face.

* Good morning Beautiful!! I hope u have a good day at school buttercup. Maybe we can catch a bite after? xx ~ Jake (-; *

* Well morning 2 u to aha thanks and sounds amazing jake!! See u after school :b ~buttercup lol*

That gave me just the right push I needed. I straitened my hair and put on my black high wasted shorts with studded pockets, with a Arctic Monkeys crop top ,an my black vans. Then made some tea. I sat good couple minutes listing to Ed Sheeran while fully waking up. Then I put on some mascara and the usual make up with a couple sprays of forever red.

With that I was out the house. I Guess I don't really mind walking in the morning. The cool breeze hit my face and blew threw my hair. It was a little chilly but I knew it would be hot later. I'm not quite used to this weather yet but its growing on me already.

As soon I walked into school I was greeted with a very excited looking Calum an Ashton running my way. " Oh my god Delilah!! We were so worried that you got into so much trouble" Calum babbled " Plus you'd never guess what Crystal is saying!!" Calum now laughing said. "She's telling people she fell down the stairs because she didn't want to admit you beat her!!" Ashton said now out of breaking out in laughter too.

To be honest I was happy she lied. That means no unneeded attention will be drawn towards me. "I'm just happy I got her blood off my shirt" I laughed back. Then the bell wrung The boys being the gentlemen they are walked me to my class. Everything was starting to look up.

Guess I spoke to soon after I walked into to a, on time Luke Hemmings? As soon as he saw me his famous smirk was back again. An wouldn't take his eyes off me. Why was he here so early? Whatever its none of my business.

It took all my power to not turn, but I didn't even look at him. I took my seat and tried too dodge all his starring.

Next thing I know the bell rings and to my surprise I did it! I successfully ignored Luke Hemmings. At least for literally a minute I thought I did. But no not with my luck of course. Right when I was walking out the door a warm hand pulled me aside.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Luke asked. "I don't know what your talking about" I replied casually. I'm done being nervous in front of him. I'm done acting like a babbling idiot a around him. That's not me. I am strong and have gotten threw way bigger obstacles. All I needed was a small reminder.

A reminder like seeing him have his face eaten off by that blonde Barbie.

"Don't bull shit me," he spat. "Why do you care" I spat back but harsher this time. "I don't" then it hit me. His bad boy rep would be ruined if he showed the least bit of caring. "Good, then we don't have a issue." I chuckled while walking away.

Leaving Luke behind. Luke the bad boy player behind. An boy did it feel good.

All the way till about 4th period I was bored out of my mind. I sat threw my classes taking notes and zoning out every once in a while. Once I met up with Calum we talked about actually getting food today. Then me and him both zoned out till lunch.

We met up with Ashton at the burger joint they told me about yesterday. Brandies Burgers in bright red letters. None of us talked much but it wasn't a bad thing. We were all to busy shoving our faces with the most delicious burgers ever. "I've never seen a girl eat like you" Ashton chuckled "Its a good thing though. Now we know we can buy real food when we hang out instead of salad" he said still laughing. "Why thank you just what every girl wants to be complimented on....Her diet" note my sarcasm as I shook my head.

"Sorry love" they both laughed. We all teased each other on our way back to school. Then all departed to our last classes. Then I was back to my usual zoning out. after school was finally over I had a huge smile on my face because I was about to go hang out with the sweetest an perfect boy ever. Till someone interrupted me leaving.

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