Im a prude?

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I cant stand him. Who does he think he is? Calling me a prude!? Im not a prude i thought as i got into bed. I turned on my side. Im just pure.

Why does he have to be so attractive?? With his hot tats and ohh his body. Wait no stop!! He's probably with some slut anyways!! God hes such a pig.

God i fell for a pig.


I woke up to the sound of my phone.

* I had to drive out of town last minute buttercup. Sorry family emergency hun. Ill be back in a couple of days."~jake

Well shit today is friday. Slumber party.....

*its all good hun, hope everything gets better *

Whyyyyy did he have to leaveee. I got up throwing my hair in a lazy bun. I changed into my skeenies and tssf tee, with a pair of black vans. Instead of coffee i went for tea. I threw on some of the usal make up then was off to school.

As i walked into the entre i could basicly smell the eagerness of teens. TGIF! Then out of no where I felt two pair of arms sqeezing me.

"Lil!! Its sleep over night!" calum yelled. causings stares from people.

"shhhh i remember." i whisperd. " Morning voices boys."

"sorry" calum whisperd back. All our classes flew by fast till it was finally lunch. I met up with the boys and we hung under a tree. I was laying down enying the shade till...

"Umm hun.." ashton whispered well nudging me. I heard calum groan so i opened my eyes only to see Luke walking by. He had skipped first period so i assumed he wasnt here. He looked down at me then turned away pissed as he kept walking.

"that was intense " calum hissed.

"tell me about it" i mumbled.

After a few awakward seconds the bell wrang an we were all off to class.

Just a Taste of Luke Hemmings (punk)Where stories live. Discover now