Danny x William

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(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter may contain non-consensual sex and other strong sexual themes! You have been warned! Don't complain because I won't give a fuck!

(Everyone except William has logged on)

Danny: *Purrs*

Seth: why are you so happy?

Danny: *purrs* no reason

Chris: really because you and William were making quite the racket last night *giggles*

Danny: *looks mortified* wait you heard!?

Chris: the whole fucking neighborhood could hear you two!

Danny: *whimpers* we weren't that loud!

(William has logged on)

William: Stop harassing my boyfriend! And if you dare touch him I'll rip you limb from limb! That means you Seth!

Seth: I prefer to keep everything where it should be!

Danny: *Looks behind him to see Richy getting closer* Will...

Richy: *puts his hand over Danny's mouth then whispers* shhh *drags Danny away*

William: *looks over where Danny was originally standing* Danny?!

Danny: *Bites Richy's hand* HELP!

William: *stares in the direction the scream came from* Danny!

Richy: *slaps Danny in his face hard* you stupid mutt! *grabs Danny by his neck and pins him to the ground* I didn't want to do this until you lost your virginity

William: DON'T YOU DARE!

Richy: too late! *removes Danny's shirt* hmm I like what I see *removes Danny's pants* hehe so it's true! You do wear kitty boxers!

Danny: *struggles to get away* stop *blushes*

Richy: *tugs on Danny's boxers before removing them* you're adorable when you're vulnerable

Wolfy: grrrr *tackles Richy* keep your dick to yourself motherfucker! *throws Richy at the sleeping Jack* shit! *Runs away before Jack wakes up*

(Wolfy has logged off)

Jack: *startles awake and glares at Richy* for your sake I hope you run as well as you moan!

Richy: *blushes at Jack's comment* hehe *runs to his room slamming and locking the door*

(Richy has logged off)

(Jack has logged off)

Danny: *blushes* W-William?

William: *wraps a blanket around Danny* I'll take you to my room and you can shower if you want to

(William and Danny have logged off)

Richard: why is my nightmare version so perverted?! I mean sure I can be a pervert sometimes but I'm not going to fuck everyone I see!

Vincent: it's not just Richy! Shadow, Nightingale, Sith, and Jack are all very perverted too!

Mike: it seems to me like your personality and traits increase 10 times more in your nightmare versions

Vincent: which would make Mace and Jack 10 times more aggressive than their counterparts! Mike is already terrifying enough when he's angry but for Mace to be 10 times more aggressive, I don't want to think about what he could do when he's angry!

Mike: I'm not that aggressive, am I?

Seth: I'm the 2nd most powerful spirit here and I'm terrified of you when you're angry!

Mike: who's the 1st most powerful spirit?

Vincent: believe it or not it's actually Danny! Danny is an angelic phantom, they are ten times more powerful than an ordinary phantom but Danny has no clue on how to use his powers. He usually only unleashes his full power when extremely angry and he will pass out afterwards but that wouldn't matter to the person who gets hit by his full power!

PG: Danny doesn't even know about his powers, I prefer he doesn't it could overwhelm him!

Charles: ok everyone back to work!

(Everyone has logged off)

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