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(Everyone has logged on)

Danny: why does someone always have to invade my privacy and steal my stuff!?

Richard: Because you are an easy target for everyone and it's fun to harass you!

William: What did you lose this time?

Danny: it's unbelievable, someone stole my entire mini fridge along with my pineapple! This is getting ridiculous! Who ever stole my pineapples better give them back!

Seth: maybe I don't want to, maybe I want all your pineapples to myself!

Danny: I should of figured it was you, you jump on every chance to harass me! William, do something!

Seth: why does William always have to help you?! What can't fight your own battles?!*smashes all the pineapples on the ground* haha what are you going to do about it

William: Oh no, you shouldn't have done that!

Seth: What, why?!*looks up to see Danny charging at him* WTF

Danny: *tackles Seth, throws him in the ball pit and proceeds to try to suffocate him* DIE YOU PINEAPPLE MURDERING JERK!!

Mike:*Walks in on the bazaar scene* um did we miss something?

William: Seth stole Danny's pineapples and smashed all of them, Danny has an obsession with pineapples, he absolutely loves them. It's a little frightening at times

Mike: Kinda like my obsession with chocolate

William: Ya

Vincent:*tries to pull Danny off of Seth but just ends up making it worse* stop it! Someone help me!

Scott:* tases Danny* knock it off!

William: Did you just tase Danny?!

*Scott, William, Danny, Vincent and Seth continue to argue with the occasional tasing each other*


William and Danny: O.O ok jeez

Vincent and Seth: ok no need to pepper spray anyone

Scott:Lol that's one way to end a fight

Danny: my pineapples are still smashed on the ground! You owe me pineapples Seth!

Seth: fine

Richard: jeez I leave the room for five minutes and all hell breaks loose

Doll: things like that happen when you have a bunch of males who don't get along in the same room!

Richard: ya that's true

Charles: I really need to stop hiring aggressive males

Danny: I'm not aggressive, just possessive

Mike: XD

Richard: I can't take anymore of this childish behavior!

(Richard has logged off)

???: hi

Danny: who are you?

???: that's for me to know and you to find out

(Everyone has been kicked from the chat room)

???: hahaha

(??? has logged off)

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