5 Purple Cats,1 Pink Cat, & a Dog

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Danny: Eek I'm a cat again

Mike: Well I'm a dog *picks up kitty Danny in his mouth and carries him off*

Danny: *Goes limp when Mike picks him up* this is weird Mike, I'm not a kitten and you're not a mama cat!

William: Oh great there's 5 purple cats 1 pink cat and a wolf dog! Wait, why just the 7 of us?

Shabonnie: It's because you are all different from the normality of society. I mean 5 of you are purple 2 of which have black eyes with white pinpricks, 1 that has silver eyes, 1 with pure white eyes and one with metallic grey eyes. Then there is Mike, the one who lost his frontal lobe and has the 5th child with him and Danny, who is pink with pure black eyes! None of you are even close to being somewhat normal!

Charles: how can you type so fast?

Shabonnie: because I'm a rabbit!

Danny: Hehe

Richard: I don't like being so small! Charles, pick me up?

Charles: *picks up kitty Richard* oh god you're so fluffy

PG: *stares at Mike* you're a very big dog *backs away nervously* I don't like this! I don't like this at all! *Runs away now just realizing that's a bad idea*

Mike: *chases after PG* woof woof

Cats: *scatter*

Mike: *continues to chase PG* grrr woof woof *catches up to PG* grrr

PG: Mike stop! *Runs into a dead end* shit! *looks back at Mike* down boy! Nice dog!

Mike: *snaps his jaws down on the middle of PG's cat body* grrr *bites down as hard as he can*

PG: ahhh! Mike, let go! *feels the canine's teeth pierce through him* HELP! *looks down at the puddle of blood forming on the ground* ahh *hisses at Mike* PUT ME DOWN YOU MANGY MUTT! *shivers* please someone help me

Danny: *leaps onto Mike's back biting into his neck* RELEASE MY FRIEND YOU STUPID MUTT! *shakes his head side to side while still biting Mike* hiiiiisssss

Mike: *releases PG turning around and grabbing Danny by his neck* grrr *sinks his teeth into Danny's neck*

Danny: *Chocking* h...e...l...p *tries to get free*

William: *bites Mike in the neck* let my Danny go!

Mike: *releases Danny* ok get off! *grabs William by his tail* grrr *grabs Danny by his tail too carrying them both by their tails in his mouth* now it's your turn PG *picks up PG by his tail* it's time to take out the trash *throws all three cats in the dumpster*

(Everyone has returned to normal)

Danny: Ouch

William: Fuck you Mike!

PG: I think I need medical attention! *passes out*

(PG has logged off)

Danny: Jason? *picks up PG and carries him to his room* no way can I carry you through the crawl spaces to put you in your room! But you can stay with me in my room Jason

(Danny has logged off)

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