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(Everyone Except Danny has logged on)


Richard: For once I don't have a clue about where Danny is

William: Wait, you don't?

Richard: No I don't

Mike: I do!

William: I doubt you hurt Danny, your too nice to him. Please tell me where he is

Mike: Oh good, I was afraid you would assume I did something. I saw Seth knock Danny out and drag him into a room. I tried to stop him but he knocked me out too.

William: Oh god Seth hurt Danny!

Seth: I didn't, I haven't seen Danny since two days ago!

William: But Mike saw you do it

Seth: think about it, if I did hurt Danny I would brag about it

William: *Sighs* if it wasn't you then who was it?!

(??? has logged on)

???: it was me

Seth: Who the hell are you?!

???: why I'm you Seth

Seth: what?!

???: I'm a nightmare version of you

Seth: WHAT!

???: you can call me Sith


(Danny has logged on)

William: Danny?

Danny: qwrdghgyuji

William: What?

Sith: lol

Danny: HfvbggEbjkiiLfhuuP

William: Help?

Danny: ....

Mike: We can't help you if we can't find you

PG: I'm going to try something

( PG has activated the animal translator and microphone on Danny's account)

Danny: thanks Jason

PG: where are you?

Danny: I actually have no clue where I am, it's a dark room with no windows and no door that I can see and I can see in the dark really well

William: Are you hurt?

Danny: no but ... I'm not human anymore that's why I couldn't type

(Sith has logged off)

Mike: if you're not human what are you?

Danny: I'm a fluffy white cat

William: Did Sith do this

Danny: who ... oh you mean nightmare Seth?

William: Yes

Danny: ya he did*Looks up as someone breaks through the wall

Chris: *breaks through the wall and picks up Danny* found him!

William: Oh god thank you Chris

Chris: it's no problem at all, I care about Danny. He's my friend and friends help each other

Danny:*purrs* I'm glad you're my friend Chris

Seth: if you're with them your now a target, never let your guard down Chris, especially around me. Your next to die!

Chris: * whines* please don't hurt me

Richard: DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH CHRIS! Chris is my friend too! I will throw you in the freezer if you even lay a finger on him!

Vincent: brother please don't antagonize Richard

Seth: O.O ok I won't lay a hand on Chris

Richard: good, I'm going to go I'm tired

(Richard has logged off)

Seth: *smirks* um Chris, I'm sorry for threatening you, I didn't realize you were friends with Richard

Chris: it's ok

Seth: could you help me prepare the pizza for the morning please, I can't do it alone

Chris: sure

(Seth and Chris have logged off)

Danny: I don't trust Seth, I should make sure he doesn't hurt Chris

Mike: What can you do?! Your still just a cat!

Danny: I'll think of something

(Danny has logged off)

Mike: Why am I tired all of a sudden?*falls asleep*

(Mike has logged off)

(Everyone else has logged off)

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