Chapter 25- Obscure Secret

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The world may seem to be breaking but there is always hope to keep everything steady and to repair the broken pieces.


~•Aera p.o.v•~

-1 month later (February)-

"You did well." Haneul smiled beside me as we left the perimeters of the tall building that made me feel as if I ran out of the air every time since I've stepped into its perimeters.

"Yeah. You've been getting better! I really am proud of you." I felt a hand snake around my back and pulled me closer to the male with blue eyes.

You can't get rid of me. You're too weak without me. You're getting your hopes too high. Just get rid of this life miserable life. You can end this suffering.

"Thank you, guys. But I will really appreciate if you didn't tell anyone about me getting therapy. It's just between us, ok?" I looked at both of them rolling their eyes since it's been the 50th time telling them the same thing.

You're just making them uncomfortable. You're useless. They've grown tired of you.

"Aera, you've been telling us this for a straight month. We haven't told anyone about your secret. We already promised not to open our mouth's and I'll keep Wu's closed. Why do you think he's duck-taped?" I looked behind us to see a gloomy Wu walking behind us, the color of his eyes were lifeless and Haneul walked towards him taking the duck-tape off his lips.

"You could've taken that off, yourself." Haneul commented irritatingly.

"Well, I don't even know why you put that on me in the first place!" Wu fired back as he pushed him, his big hands on Haneul's back as let the force he had in him to push him, making the other male stumble.

"Come here. Don't get hurt. These two boys have the weirdest relationship." A big cold hand was surrounding my tiny warm one as he tugged at me lightly, taking a step back at the chaos beside me.

"I swear if I didn't know them, I would think these two were archenemies." I chuckled as I saw Wu's face turn from anger to being scared in a second. Haneul arises from the world of hell to come and get revenge from Wu.

"Hey! Bastard! Maybe I put that on you because you weren't being quiet! She was getting the treatment not you!" His arm went around Wu's neck as he made a fist with his other available hand and rubbed it on top of the other's head.

"Bastard?? I'm older than you, idiot!" He tried to free himself from the headlock he was in but it was almost impossible. The next second, Wu's eyes teared.

"Haneul! Stop! He is about to cry!" I yelled. His expression turned into a shocked one, he removed his hand to see Wu with a smirk.

"You little brat! He was acting!" He pointed a finger to the older as the other jumped on him and both fell down on the concrete floor. Wu was on top of him, his fingers ran up and down his sides tickling him. Haneul tried to set himself free from his grip but that didn't work.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He cried. Wu stopped his actions and stretched a hand to him as the other grabbed it and stood up straight.

"That's a sign of how they apologize to each other," Ryan whispered in my ear, his warm breath hitting my cold ear as goosebumps formed around my body.

"We probably look like crazy people in the streets," I stated as everyone gave me a look of agreement and we all ended up laughing together.

"Look, we promise not to break our promise, ok?" Wu patted my back and reassured me with a warm smile and I nodded.

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