Chapter 12- Complications

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Live your life to the fullest!


  His green orbs looked at the girl that was terrified, he saw how she was frightened, how she started to leave reality by the second. His curiosity started to take over, he felt nervous about her sudden reaction.

"Hey! What's wrong?" He waved his hand in front of her face. She blinked many times as she slowly started to hyperventilate.

"No...nothing. I can't go..." She walked terrified away from him. He didn't understand what was going on, he only felt confusion and an urge to help her.

"Wait, hold on. What's going on? You look scared for your life." He stepped forward and he reached for her, she simply stepped back and retrieved his hand. "No...nothing. I can't go..." The same words came out of her mouth, his eyes widened as he still felt perplexed, he couldn't help but stare at her, worried.

"I can't go with you." He looked at Aera run away from him. Ryan was very confused, his heart seemed to be hurt just a bit but enough for him to notice. He felt an urge to run and chase her but for some reason, his feet were stuck to the ground as if he was planted there.

"I think I'll just go home then." He turned his heel and started to walk away from school. He turned to see her one more time but she was gone, he frowned and gazed at the sky. "Man...I tried so hard not to go back to my old ways." He clicked his tongue and headed his way home.

"RYAN! What are you doing here?!" His mom's loud voice scared the younger as he slowly turned his head to face her.

"I'm trying mother. It's not that easy. Besides, history ain't so fun. Just let me stay here for the day. At least I'm home and not doing anything of what I used to do." He tried to defend himself. She looked at him with disappointment and Ryan recognized it right away.

"And I thought a new environment would change your being. Can't you just be normal? Like the rest of the kids? Huh? Can't you be studious like your older sister?" She set a hand down on the counter of the kitchen as he rolled his eyes.

"Wow! Really, mother?" Anger started to swell up in his heart as he clenched his teeth tightly together while he was being compared to his step-sister.

"She's smart, beautiful, studious, she's great in school, she does sports and she's a great daughter." Ryan left the scenario and walked to his bedroom.

"She can't accept me the way I am. Right, mom?" He looked at a picture, his mother trapped in a picture frame as he caressed the clear glass.

You're the only one who understands me. Why did you have to leave?

"Insolent kid." The mother whispered as she kept cooking.

  Meanwhile, Haneul was trying to pay attention to the teacher in front of him. But his mind would rewind to her. Her eyes showed something else when he last saw her, something different. She showed hatred towards him as if he somehow betrayed her.

I don't get it...I saved her life. Was she trying to commit suicide? Maybe she was just being careless and wanted to see the view. Ugh! Aera...

"Mr. Park!" The speaker's voice demanded his attention.

Please don't ask a question! Please don't ask a question about the lesson!

"Yes?" He averted his gaze to the teacher.

Please don't. Please don't. Please don't.

"Are you paying attention?"

Uh...yeah! Totally!

"Yes." He responded.

"Mmm." The teacher hummed in suspicion.

At the end of school, Haneul wondered where Aera was. She didn't show up for any of her classes and she couldn't be found in the school. He walked to his house as he looked at every passing car to distract his mind from her.

"Why do I even bother talking to her? She's a waste of my time." He shut his eyes as he shook his head.

"Who's a waste of your time?" Startled by the sudden voice, Haneul jumped and turned around.

"Wu! Don't scare me like that!" He slapped the side of his head. Wu rubbed the spot where he got hit as he glared at the younger.

"I'm older than you! Why do you treat me so informally?" He stomped the ground and whines like a little kid.

"Have you seen yourself in the mirror?" He looked up and down at Wu.

"Good point. But still! Show some respect! Anyways, who's a waste of time?" They continued to walk as they started a conversation.

"Aera. She's in my head the whole time! I've met her two days ago! She's already on my headspace and I don't even know the girl!" He complained as Wu nodded.

"She shouldn't be in your head already...unless you have a sort of interest in her," Wu smirked at him.

"If you don't want to be slapped again, you better shut your mouth." He warned and pointed a finger at him.

"You're threatening me and that's not being respectful. Aera is already in your head, there should be a reason. Usually, you only have math equations and school stuff in your head. It's hard getting you out of that mindset. Aera...Aera might be taking your headspace away but maybe it could be good." He explained and Haneul gave him a look of confusion.

"Umm...think of it this way. If Aera is in your head right now and it's something bad, you need to get rid of it. I mean the bad stuff in her. She's quiet and reserved, maybe if you changed that, she can be in your head for good? You never enjoy your life Haneul! You are usually studying the whole time and you barely leave your house! Maybe Aera haunting your brain is a good thing. You just need to change it so it can be good. Am I explaining it well?" He had some doubt in his words, he was afraid the younger wouldn't understand.

"So you're saying that if I change Aera so she could be...not quiet and Then, maybe she could be in my head for good and distracts me from my studying?" He tried to decipher his theory but it simply didn't appeal to him.

"Well I mean, for her to get you to live. To go to parties, to enjoy yourself. I don't like you being all studious the whole time. Life has moments that it's not only sticking your nose in a book. Yes, it's going to give you a future, but it's not living the now, the present. Life gives a gift to live and you don't take advantage of it. It's called present for a reason." He patted Haneul's shoulder as a sign to say his goodbye before he left.

"I hate his wise words sometimes." He said through his gritted teeth before continuing his journey.

"I guess I'm staying beside you, Aera."


(A/N) Write your thoughts! I wanna know if you guys are interested and if it's getting good or not. Thanks for reading! Have a great 🌙 or ☀️!

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