Chapter 8- Dismal Life

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Life has its rough times, but there are also good moments too. Bumpy roads usually lead to a beautiful destination.


~•Aera p.o.v•~

"Finally! I get to go home!" Annoyed, I walked out of the gates to see someone blocking my way.

"Hey! I haven't seen you since P.E class! How was your day?" The tall guy flashed a smile, his green orbs looking at me.

"Uhh...Ryan? Right?" I asked and he nodded. "It couldn't be worse." My voice was hoarse but it was the least of my worries.

"Well, I hope it gets better! Are you going home?" My little reflection in front of me kept blocking my way.

"Yes! And maybe if you moved, I could get home!" I placed my hand on his arm and moved him to a side.

"Oh, right. Well, have a great day ahead of you then." He waved and I only gave him a sad smile, I knew it wasn't going to get better.

I headed myself to my humble house, I plugged in some music to block the sound of angry cars honking to others and loud yells from people coming out the windows. I quickened my walk but I sensed that someone was following me. I looked behind me but nobody was to be found, but then, I saw a hand sticking out of a tall tree.

"Last time I checked, there wasn't any human hands on a tree," I yelled to the unknown stranger, but I had an idea who it was.

"Sorry. I didn't want it to seem that I was stalking you." He stepped away and revealed himself. I raised an eyebrow and shared with him a shrewd look.

"You're doing a horrible job in that 'undercover' thing." I let Haneul get closer to me as I paused my music.

"I'm just heading the same direction as you are. But I bothered you enough today so I tried in not getting your attention...for now." He smiled nervously while he scratched the back of his head.

"You're doing a horrendous job in that too. Man, you could've been fired in those two jobs already, in one day." I chuckled and started to walk again.

"Wow! You can smile!" He pointed at me and I immediately had a poker face.

"You're imagining things. If you don't want to bother me, don't speak." I played the song once again. I was surprised that he actually didn't speak to me throughout our walk. We parted ways after walking a little while. I couldn't help but look at him one last time.

"He actually doesn't seem too bad." I shrugged.

He's just trying to win over you. You're not that stupid in letting him in, are you? You'll also keep your distance between that American guy, right? They'll just end up hurting you. You know this. So don't fantasize in reality, you know it's dangerous.

"Yeah, I know."

My sudden thoughts were interrupted by sudden yelling from afar. They were familiar voices that made my blood boil, that made my days so miserable, so painful that I just wanted to leave from that hell, the hellhole I call home. Glass breaking was heard, things being thrown against the walls was so loud I could hear it from afar. My heart started to beat faster, my hands clenched as my nails dug into my penetrable white skin.

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