Lemon pie pt 3

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Yusei: You know I just realized that "pet play" has 666 reads. *taps nose* Wonder what that means. Also I still use dimonds when seperating pre notes from the story.


"Well that was fun."

"Shut up."

Currently Sans and Frisk were licking their wounds so to speak after everyone went through Chara's 'special treatment'. They were both sitting against the outside wall of the house as they looked at what remained of the gathering. Needless to say, a pissed Chara is not something you want to be around. Both were eating a piece of monster pie to heal themselves. Frisk had a few fading marks that looked like rope burns, which were healing faster than Sans's eye. Not only did Chara take away his powers temporarily she showed him something so disturbing that no amount of monster food could heal the mental trama.

Frisk groaned again. It wasn't his fault that the smiley trashbag got a literal and figurative boner at the sight of his girlfriend that he confessed to and he slept with. It could all be deduced as him just protecting what is his from some bad intent. Sans, in his head, was contemplating what if he still had the reset? If only that accident hadn't happened. Everything would be so much better if it was Sans with the reset.

Sans sighed right by Frisk taking another bite of pie. It was rare to get the two to be able to be anywhere near each other without the usual banter. So it seems that this was a little of a humbling for the two. In front of them Monster Kid was still going on about how cool Chara looked using her powers.

"And she was all like, 'Whack! Whack!', and you guys were all like, 'Aaaaaaahhhh!', and King Asgore was thrown so far it looked like he could fly!" As MK went on Frisk leaned back on the wall, closing his eyes and sighing.

"Well I'm glad someone enjoyed our punishment." Frisk said to Sans not looking at him.

"Yeah the kid got a real kick out of what just happened." The two were silent for a moment. The only sound was the background noise of everyday life and Monster Kid's voice.

"Sans?" Frisk asked the skeleton. Sans made his eye socket extent so that it looked like he was raising his eyebrow. " You know Chara's not gonna leave me so why are you so determined?"

Sans sighed. " Way to ruin the peacee kid." Frisk's gaze was unwavering and Sans let out another sigh. "When you've lived with someone for so long and loved them almost just as long it's a little hard to let go."

"Sounds like clinging to false hopes if you ask me. You're just gonna hurt yourself more and more. Look Sans, I have no problem with you except that you keep aiming for Chara..."

"And my problem is that you have Chara, went on multiple geno routes, that you were Paps first date, and that you cock blocked me from stopping him and that sex bot from getting together. Among other things." That got a laugh from the human.

"Wow that sounds more like jealousy and just have issues."

"Maybe, maybe not."

"You know Toriel really likes you." Frisk said hoping to get a reaction. It worked. Sans had the most surprised look Frisk had seen on anyone.

"Stop yankin' my goat. I thought she and Asgore were trying to fix things."

"Well that's what Asgore wants. Toriel has had a crush on you since you guys whole talking through the door thing."

"And how would you know this?" Sans asked. Even if the kid was being sincere it seemed to convenient to belive.

"Well I live with her and being a girl she likes to talk. Me being a resident of the house she talks to me a lot. Go ask her yourself." Frisk said with a smug grin.

"Nah, I'll take your word for it."

"Are you gonna ask misx Toriel out!?" Monster Kid, who they both had forgot about, asked. Sans had nearly jumped out of his jacket while Frisk proceeded to answer for him.

"Yeah he was just about to see if she was available."

"Cool! She always talks about you to her human friends a lot. You should totally date her! Wait, would that make you Frisk's dad if you dated?" Now it was Frisk's turn to cring and Sans to grin.

"You know, I think I'll talk to her right now." And with that the fat skeleton(big bonned) teleported away.

"Good luck to him but there is now way in the underground I'm calling him dad." Stretching and finishing off the last of his pie he got up. "See ya MK. Gonna see if Chara's still mad."

"Good luck Frisk!" MK said as he waved his tail to and fro before leaving. Frisk hummed to himself and went into the house.

Entering the house he was greeted by Flowey and Mettaton.

"Ugly meatbag!" Flowey called out.

"Trying simeyhing new flower boy?" Frisk asked the deadly weed.

"Shut up! You need to learn to control your woman! She's a menace to the planet!"

"And you were a menace to the multiverse till Chara turned you into a cry baby." Frisk remarked. A few years ago Flowey had finally stopped trying to destroy everything again. However without Asriel's resolve or any other power to support him he was beaten quickly by Chara bringing out his emotional side that he had gotten from Asriel.

"Shut up! I'll kill you!" the flower cried out. Mettaton sighed at the flower.

"Flowey be nice." Mettaton pleaded.

"Shut up dad!"  Flowey hissed. Ah, yes. After Flowey's last conquering attempt Papyrus and Mettaton had ened up adopting him due to Pap's love for the flower and Flowey's... tolerance of the skeleton.

"Hey Metta, where's Paps?" Frisk asked. The two were usually joined at the hip, or more of Mettaton's taste, rear to pelvis either way.

"Oh he had something to do. I think he wqs going to meet another chef and talk abiut pastas. He was a very skinny italian. Almost enough to make a guy envious. Almost." The room was silent and tense for a moment. Usually Flowey would even say something to break the ice but even he was silent. 'Speaking of,' Frisk thought, 'can we even call Flowey a boy anymore? I mean we called him a guy before because he was Asriel but niw that he's his own person-'

(Yusei: It doesn't matter! We're getting off track!)

'Fine, fine', Frisk thought. "Sounds like your Jealous Mettaton." Frisk ducked out the way as an empty flower pot came flying at him and smashing into three pieces.

"I do not get jealous! Jealousy is not even in my personal dictionary!" the drama queen said pulling a large book from their heart shaped breast plate. True enough, there was no jealousy in it.

"Alright then. Point proven." Frisk said. Chara chose that moment to come downstairs.

"What's all that noise going on!?"

"Aside from you yelling? Mettaton being jelly of an Italian." Frisk said. This time a flower pot with Flowey screaming his petals off came at him. Frisk caught him with one hand. "Thanks for flying by flower boy."

"I hate you." Frisk tossed Flowey back to Mettaton and turned his attention to Chara.

"By the way. Wanted to see if you had calmed down." Chara smiled deviously.

"Why don't you come find out?" she said seductively. Frisk didn't have to be told twice.


Yusei: Yoi balla! It's me, Yusei! So the next part was gonna be lemon but we wanted to put it up to a vote. In the meantime we'll be working on the next chapter. Other stories will be slowly updated. No matter how long an update takes we don't leabe anything unfinished. See ya!

Charisk shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora