Chapter 9

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Vlad, Dan and Pariah charged up their ecto-blasts, took a step forward and fired. Everyone braced themselves for the impact and waited...but it never came. When the smoke cleared, a clear green ecto-shield was in front of them. instinctively Vlad and Pariah looked to Dan, the only one out of the three that had green ecto-energy but Dan was just as surprised as the other two.

"You three will not harm anyone." A familiar voice growled.

Everyone looked in the direction the voice had come from. Sam, Tucker, Valerie and the Fenton's gasped and ClockWork was just speechless whereas the three evil ghosts growled in frustration. For right there, Danny stood holding his right side in his ghost form and his aura glowing brightly.

"You're in no condition to stop us, little badger." Said Vlad.

"You're too weak..." Said Pariah.

"In fact, you should be dead." Added Dan.

"Well... I guess I found... a way to avoid that." He sent back in his usual witty manner. 'For the moment at least.' Danny though grimly.

"And how have you done that, might I ask?" asked Vlad.

Danny smirked, he closed his eyes and relaxed, his hand that was holding his side just a little down from his chest fell back down to his side and his aura glowed brighter and brighter to the point it engulfed him. He floated up a little and brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arm around them before spreading his arms and legs out in a quick motion when his aura was at its brightest.

His aura got so bright everyone had to shield their eyes and when they were able to look again, Danny floated off the ground a few inches. His aura moved like it was flames and his outfit had changed. He still had the white collar, boots, gloves and belt but the boots and gloves came to a spike on the outside of his arms and legs and the belt had what appeared to be a green clock in the centre. His insignia was the same. The sides of the upper part of his suit and the insides of his arms were white and the rest was black. He now wore green spiked shoulder armour with his insignia in white, the one on the right was back to front. The outside of his suits legs was white which angled down, coming to a point just before the spike of his boots. And to complete it all off, he now wore a cape which was white on the inside and black on the outside. Plus there was no sign of his wounds anywhere.

"Still willing to harm the ones I love and care about?" Danny growled at the three villains.

The trio of evil shot ecto-blasts at Team Phantom again, Danny launch himself in front of his team and swatted the blasts away like they were nothing but an annoying little flies.

"Rephrased:..." Danny got into a fighting stance, holding his right hand out to the side. What looked like to be bright, white, liquid metal appeared just a few centre-meters below his palm, extending out to form what might be a pole. But it didn't stop there, on one side of the pole, what appeared to be a huge curved blade formed but instead of a smooth edge, it had a spike, guess you could say the huge blade sort of looked like a slightly open beak of a bird. On the other side of the pole, two smaller blades appeared, one cured up, the other down. When every part of the object formed, it seemed to flash and become solid. The pole was black and the blades were green. A scythe. Danny brought it in front of him, holding it with two hands, ready to fight with his new weapon. "Are you willing to risk your afterlife?" he finished.

ClockWork just stared in bewilderment. Yeah, sure! He was over the moon that his Apprentice slash son was alive but how was he still alive? How was he able to call upon this new power? And how the HECK was he able to SUMMON his weapon?

Danny launched himself at the villains and started fighting as if he was never injured. And as far as ClockWork could tell, he might as well not have been.

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