Chapter 6

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Thirty minutes later every ghost and human on Team Phantom had arrived. ClockWork and Danny were invisible; they were going to surprise them.

"So, what is it that you have gathered us all here for, Great One's sister?" asked FostBite.

"I believe you all know the reason as to why Danny left a year and a half ago?" Jazz asked and they all nodded. Jazz's expression became serious. "We have less than five hours before the three ghosts that Danny foresaw attack."

Everyone's eyes went wide in shock and horror. "So what do we do?" asked Valerie.

"Amiko ne revenis el trejnado, ne povas gajni sen li. (Friend not back from training, cannot win without him.)" said Wulf.

"Wulf is right. without Danny, we are not ready." Said Pandora.

"Then I'll tell what we do." Everyone turned at the sound of the new voice. Danny and ClockWork made themselves visible and the other members of Team Phantom were, for the lack of a better word, shocked to see their ally halfa standing before them. Phantom smirked at their expressions. "We prepare for battle. If there was any time I would need your help, it would be now." The ghosts and young ghost hunter got over their shock and listen to Danny with determined smiles on their faces. "Mum, Dad, if you have anything that will help Sam, Tuck, Val and Jazz, that would be great."

"Of course son." Said Maddie.

"Come with us you four." Said Jack and the six went upstairs.

"Pandora, Dora and FrostBite. Tell your people to arm themselves and get ready for war. I'll be needing as much help as I can get."

"Of course Sir Phantom." Said Dora and the three left.

"Wulf, I need you to gather up as many of your other friends that are willing to help out."

With a nodded Wulf left.

"Dani I want you to help mum and dad. And when the battle begins, I want you on the ground helping protect the citizens from Pariah's army."

" I can't fly?"

Danny chuckled. "You can still fly just don't go anywhere near Pariah, Vlad or Dan, got that?"

With a nod, Dani left to help Maddie and Jack. Danny stood there for a moment before moaning and putting a hand to his head. He swayed a bit and lost his footing. ClockWork caught the halfa before he could he hit the floor.

"Daniel, are you alright?" asked the ghost of time.

"I guess.... Everything.... That has.... Happened.... Is catching.... Up to me." Danny struggled to say as he fought off the strange feeling of the need to sleep and trying to get his vision to focus. He didn't want to pass out, 'cause if he did, he might not wake up in time. ClockWork could tell what his Apprentice was doing.

"Don't fight it Daniel, you need the rest." He told the teen. Danny smiled and closed his eyes. And as to signify that the teen had let the darkness of sleep take over, the rings of blue/ white energy appeared, travelled up and down his body, changing him back into Fenton and the boy's body went limp in his arms. ClockWork picked up Danny, carried him upstairs and laid him on the couch.

"What happened? Will he be ok?" asked Sam as she walked downstairs and over to ClockWork. She now wore a slim, flexible but sturdy and strong armoured suit that was dark purple and the boots and gloves were black. The suit also had Danny's logo on the shoulders in black, to let the citizens know that she was apart of Team Phantom. Jack and Maddie had worked on the suits since Danny left. They knew they had to be prepared for battle when the darkness came.

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