Chapter 5

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Maddie got up early the next morning. She went downstairs and was about to enter the kitchen when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She made her way over to the lounge room and chuckled at what she saw. For right there on the couch was the time ghost and her halfa. Danny was wrapped in ClockWork's cloak and had his head resting on said ghost's chest with his legs up on the couch. While ClockWork was sitting up straight, one arm over the back of the couch while the other was over Danny. Both still sleeping. 'I have to get a photo of this.' She thought. She went off and grabbed a camera and was back in few minutes, the boys still hadn't moved. She focused the camera on the two of them and took a picture, the flash didn't go off thank god and the Master and Apprentice were not disturbed. Maddie put the camera away and went to the kitchen to start cooking breakfast for everyone.

ClockWork woke ten minutes later to the sounds of someone cooking in the kitchen. He already knew it was Maddie, she was the only one who would get up this early. He looked down and saw that his Apprentice was still sleeping, he couldn't blame him, whatever the nightmare was about had really scared the young teen, so the more sleep the halfa got the better. The Master of Time slowly got out from underneath Danny and place a cushion under his head and left his young Apprentice to continue on sleeping.

The ghost picked up his staff from where it was leaning up against the wall and flew into the kitchen. And sure enough, Maddie was cooking. Said adult looked over her shoulder and saw her ghost guest.

"Morning ClockWork." She greeted.

"Morning Madeline." The ghost of time greeted back.

"I hope my son didn't disturb you last night."

ClockWork seemed confused for a moment before realising what she meant and a small smile graced his lips. "Of course not." The smile faded as he remembered the look in his Apprentice's eyes.

"Is everything alright ClockWork?" Maddie's voice broke him out of his thoughts. He looked to her before closing his eyes and sighing, taking a seat at the table.

"Daniel had a nightmare." He said opening his eyes.

"Oh my!" Maddie gasped and sat down opposite the ghost. "What was it about?"

"I do not know. But whatever it was, it did a number on him."

"What do you mean, you don't know? I thought you said you knew everything."

"After Daniel started training a year and a half ago, my view into his timeline has been restricted considerably. I can only get glimpses now."

"Did he tell you?"

"No. He was pretty well shaken up by it. I could tell he was still tired but at the same time, he didn't want to sleep. And that was just from his posture. He was sweating a little, shaking as well. And the look in his eyes..." the ghost of time sighed and shook his head. "I have never seen so much sorrow and fright in them before."

Maddie was shocked at the information before it melted away into one of concern. She looked to the doorway of the kitchen. "I sure hope he is ok."

"The best thing we can do is wait for him to wake up. A ghost will heal quicker if they are sleeping, whether the damage is physical or mental, it does not matter. The same applies to Daniel. He should be fine when he awakens."

The explanation did little to quell the rising concern for her son but she took ClockWork's word and waited for Danny to wake up.

When Danny woke, he found himself lying on the couch and when he sat up he noticed that he had ClockWork's cloak on. Then everything came back to him. The nightmare quickly flashed through his mind but he pushed to the back of his mind, he didn't want to think about what he saw. This was his last few hours he had with his family, friend and girlfriend, and he wanted to enjoy it. He got up, the cloak still wrapped around him, and made his way to the kitchen. There he saw his Master sitting at the table and his mother was standing, making breakfast.

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