Taeyong stood up from his bed and hoped he isn't making noise, he doesn't want to wake up his child. Both of the omegas goes down the stairs and walked straight into the kitchen. Everyone in the mansion were there, seated on their designated chairs and eats their breakfast while they talk. They looked at Taeyong and Ten's direction as soon as they entered the dining area.

Taeyong sat beside Ten who was beside Taeil. They all ate breakfast as they reported everything what happened yesterday in the village while Yuta and Taeyong were gone and it was a relief that nothing bad happened yesterday.

Later that day, all of the members were already out for work in the village. They all focused on each of their task given by the chiefs. But Taeyong, the chief himself, couldn't get himself to write or work on the papers that was already stacked on his desk.

Taeyong sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose.


The man behind the door with a familiar voice knocked on the omega's door before opening it and peeking in. It was Yuta.

"Yuta, do you need anything?" Taeyong asked and frustration was evident in his voice.

"Ah, no. I'm just informing you that Jaehyun suddenly wanted to talk to me," Yuta uttered and fully entered the room.

"R-Really? Did...Did he say what will you guys gonna talk about?" the omega stuttered.

Yuta shook his head, "Nope, not exactly. But it looked private so I'm gonna go by myself."

"Okay...Tell me what happened later when you come home."

"Okay, will do. See you," Yuta said before he exited the room.

Taeyong's mind was mostly preoccupied from what happened last night and Yuta's meeting with Jaehyun. It was a sudden meeting and the omega couldn't imagine what will they talk about.

How did he even got into this mess? Taeyong thought.

He, at last, finished the paperwork and was excited to hit the bed from all the exhaustion mentally and physically. He opened his bedroom door and saw Ten babysitting Blue again.

"Welcome home, Tae!" Ten greeted.

Blue smiled and giggled as soon as he saw his own mother. Taeyong couldn't hide his happiness upon seeing his child smile.

"I'm exhausted," Taeyong said as he dropped himself on the bed.

"Me too, babysitting's tough," Ten complained.

"Have you heard that Jaehyun met up with Yuta a while ago?" Taeyong asked.

"Ah, yeah."

"That was bugging me all day. Like, why would Jaehyun even meet with Yuta all of a sudden without anything happened between the vampires and werewolves?"

"Maybe, it's about a deal again, y'know or trade some stuff," Ten shrugged.

Taeyong sighed.

The omega soon let Ten to take his rest. He soon cleaned himself with Blue in the bath tub. He thoroughly washed and dried his child after. He dressed Blue in one of the pajamas Yuta bought before he dressed himself.

He laid his child on the crib with a teddy bear and rocked it slowly.

"Did you see your father?" he asked his child who still doesn't have any realization on the real world.

"I guess you did. His name is Jaehyun. You looked like him though. Your eyes, your nose...your dimples," Taeyong uttered and slowly felt sadness kicking in.

He really loved Jaehyun's dimples. It was Taeyong's favorite trademark of him. Taeyong missed it. He admits that he missed everything they've gone through even after Jaehyun threw him.

A/N: I have questions, please answer them honestly:

1. Do you guys want this story to have a smut chapter? I'm just thinking if someone around here reading doesn't want to read smut or you had enough :/

2. Do you guys want a story that Jaehyun's a bottom? Kekeke this is awkward.

You guys can comment down with the number or just comment on the line if your using laptop/desktop.

That's all. I was thinking of making some short stories since after this month, I'll be in school and won't be updating regularly if I get busy. But, I'll still update, don't worry :)

Love lots ♥

Bloody Devotion-JAEYONGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن