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Wide eyes glared intently between the door, the light brown haired March hare shocked face stare blankly at the little Princess who was sleeping in her big bed. Wrist were bandaged tightly by the nurses as her the Duchess stayed by her side.

“Mistress Cheryl” The uncanny and worried tone of Reim’s voice was heard.

The Duchess Cheryl and Duke Barma turn their gaze to him.

“Hush, no need to worry” The duchess said.

“My granddaughter is just waking up from her deep slumber” She added with a tone of anticipation as Reim stared helplessly on the lying body of the little lady.



Elizabeth P.O.V.

A young white haired man stand wearing a black cloak with stood in front the garden of blue and red roses as the sky was divided between black and white.

“Elizabeth” He calls me wide eyes I kept a grip on my tattered skirt.

I approach him, that voice. I know who it belongs to.

The white haired man turns around as red meets red. His eyes were the same as mine, full of sadness and pain. But I can’t help my heart to be happy he remembered me.

 He calls my name, that sweet voice who called this ugly, murderous monster in front of him.

I took a step forward as I gulp my hand was shaken as I had the urge to hold him, hold my precious Kevin.

“Kevin, you fi-“ I was going to finish my sentence when he stop me.

“Don’t come closer” He said as he looks at me like he has seen a monster right in front of him.  Frightened, I never seen this expression of him like that before.

“I can’t believe it I made a promise to a hateful monster like you” He yelled at me with disgust. Those heart breaking words that hurts so bad.

I fell to the ground on my knees as I grip tightly to my chest. I cried and cried and cried and cried. It is just so painful to be hated especially by the person you love the most.

Those words were my deaths, and my mind keeps repeating it again and again.

I wish just to die right now.

Please, just let me die.


Break’s P.O.V:

The sound of woods that falls to the cement was oddly loud enough to hear in this awfully quite place. As I scavenge down my satchel I took a match out of it and create a fire. I sat down a small stool near the fireplace as I look outside the window the little droplet of rains and mist covers the window pane.

After Elizabeth was unconscious I manage to find this small house near the misty lake. This place seems to be taken care of but somehow no sign of the owner shows up so I rush inside this house.

The weather was really bad and cold. i sat near to her as I took a clean cloth and wrap it around her. This girl was burning up from a fever I took a pale of clean water as I tear a small piece of cloth from the curtain. I deep it in the cool water and put it on the brown haired girl head.

“A gentleman, aren’t we?” That annoying white doll that Elizabeth always carries suddenly appear out of nowhere.

  “Oh, glad to see you too” with stoic  tone I keep on dipping the cloth to the cold water and squeezing it tightly before I put it back to Elizabeth’s forehead.

The white doll remains still quite. The glowing amber floats like fireflies I held the Elizabeth’s head gently as I place it carefully at my lap.

Funny how stranger felt so nostalgic, upon looking at this girl I always wonder why I feel at ease when I’m by her side. And this feeling is so warm, so warm that it feels like I’m home. I stare down her troubled face I wonder what she was dreaming. I want to hold her face so badly but I have to fight the urge to touch her beautiful face or I’ll regret this. I don’t want to be close to someone rather than Ojou-sama.

I already made a promise to the Princess, to be by her side and protect her.

“Break” I hear the Princess voice.

“Ojou-sama?” looking near my shadow I hear her voice clearly. Impossible! How can it be her if she already lost her means of communicating this far away?

I started to sheath my sword as I place Elizabeth gently on the floor.

A phantom figure starts to transform. A dark shadow figured horse, Equis?

I can’t believe but the bond has been severe that time.

“Break, help.” Sharon’s voice was in pain.

“It hurts a lot” She added. With no hesitation I approach her as fast as I can but then I felt my body stop in the middle.

I just can’t leave Elizabeth behind. My thoughts become disoriented I can’t leave a lady alone but I can’t neglect Sharon. Then I just realize I caught up in the situation that I was afraid to happen. And it did happen.

“Break, it’s okay” I heard Elizabeth spoke, she was already awake.

“It’s Sharon I can feel it. She needs you and I can finish the mission alone” she stood up carefully as her body was still trembling.

She smiled that heart breaking smile knew that I’m going to leave her. I bit my lower lips hating myself for being caught in this feeling. I think I’m in love with Elizabeth.

Forgotten Promise (Pandora Hearts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now