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As they enter deeply inside the abyss the surrounding got darker and giving more frightening aura than earlier Glaring eyes were seen everywhere in the darkness. Sharon clings tightly on Break.

"What's this foul smell" Sharon covers her nose.

"It smells really bad" Oz confirms.

Alice covers her nose using Gil's dress

"What are you doing stupid rabbit" Gil tries to stop Alice from whatever she was doing.

"Blood… this is a smell of blood" Break said it carefully analyzing the area.

Slowly the surrounding becomes clear.

Corpse can be found anywhere; the place was filled with a pool of blood.

The group was terrified to see the corpse around the place.

Sharon shouts and hugs more tightly on Break while Oz, Alice and Gil were still in shock.

"This is really terrifying" Alice grips her shoulder as she felt shivers crept into her spine just by looking at the corpses.

"This scene is just like…" Oz holds his mouth to prevent from throwing up.

"We need to move out from here" Break shouted, carries Sharon and move forward while the rest follows.

Finally the foul smell was already gone; it seems that they've gone much farther.

Break gently puts Sharon down. "It's alright Ojou-sama you can open your eyes now" Break confirms.

Sharon opens her eyes as tear slowly stops falling from her eyes.

"There, there Ojou-sama I'm right here" Break pats Sharon

Little by little they notice the place was surrounded by a ball of lights.

Oz runs and hugs one of them.

"Oz-sama don't touch that, it might harm you" Sharon warns Oz.

"It's alright Sharon-chan, these lights won't hurt people, and instead of harming people they gave a gentle warmth and happiness to the people around it" Oz said sincerely.

"Yes that's right it always gives me a nostalgic feeling when every time I encounter it" Alice reaches out for the lights.

"They're beautiful" Sharon blushed because of the things she sees.

"What's going on?" Break asked.

"Oh yeah I forgot, there are orbs of light illuminating the place" Oz explains to him.

"Oh I see" Break pouts.

"You, can't you see them?" a gentle voice whisper to his ears.

"Who's there" Break turns around and holds his cane tightly.


Gil positions his gun to aim a figure near Break.

"I'm asking you, can't you see them?" the voice asked again.

Sharon was still a little bit afraid she hides on Break's back gripping his dress tightly.

"Oh my, it seems you don't realize that I'm blind" Break seems to be carefree but stills held his cane tightly to be ready for any possible attack

"So what?" the silhouette figure focus its attention on Break.

"Look whoever you are!" Gil shouted

"Can't you understand what he said earlier, his blind and if you don't know what does blind means? It means he can't see. If you're just going to mock Break, we'll just leave this place" Gil added trying to control his temper.

Forgotten Promise (Pandora Hearts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now