chapter 2

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I set my bag on the floor by the door entering into the kitchen. Renee's red head was bent over a pot on the stove, that smelled of Italian food. this is going to take a while, I thought to myself sadly as I sat in one of the stools at the island.

"How was your da-" Renee dropped the spoon she held, " what happend to you?!"

I looked down at my bare arms and mentaly kicked myself, way to go dumb ass now you're totally getting out of the house. As it were a lie came easily to my lips, " Gym with Raven and Elizabith. I may not hunt but I still train in gym. You know that."

she shook her head going back to the food.

"you shouldn't have to train with a witch and wolf. you're not a hunter anymore."

"I wanted to help Ravin. She just mastered a new defencive fire spell and wanted to make shure she had it right for tonight. Liz wanted to test her wolf claws and my reflexes," I shruged knowing if Renee asked around anyone would cover for me. The whole town thought my aunt was crazy for wanting me to stop so they worked with my lies if she asked anyone.

"About tonight i was hoping we could watch a movie and talk. I haven't seen much of you lately," she said dropping the bomb and guilt triping me at the same time.

"Sounds like fun but Nick and I were going to study for our math test on Friday. Before you say that Miranda wouldn't let him stay in on a blood moon, Nick can't go out because his partner can't hunt with him."

Renee looked up at me with hurt in her green eyes. I did this every time she tried to trap me in on big hunting nights. It was crule and I knew it but if I really had quit its what really would have happend. If i quit Nick wouldn't be aloud to hunt again, forcing him to quit as well.

"I know and I'm sorry he has to stay in because of my rule but it's better this way and I don't have to worrie about you dying each night," she said sadly.

I nodded looking down at the black iris flower tatooed on my wrist, the hunter's mark. I traced over it with my index finger as i so offen did and let silence fall over the room.

Dinner follwed with the same silence and neather of us did anything to change it. I was cleaning my dish when I felt the sting of my wrist.

"Got to go Nick is on his way," I said holding up my cell as I poped my head into the living room.

"Have fun."

I picked up my backpack taking it to my room. The walls were blue and covered in photos and sifi posters. I pushed aside my carboord cut out of David Tennant to pick up my hunting jacket. It was a black leather jacket and my last gift from Mom and Dad. Dumping my books out of my bag I put the cut out infront of the contents. I changed into black jeens and shoved my feet in my black cowboy boots, Mom's old line dacning boots. Under my bed was my stash of weppons and I shoved them in my bag. My cell buzzed for the first time all night. don't forget a hair tie, a text from Ravin read. I smiled texting back, have fun with your circle tonight. Be safe, she replyed. Ravin and the rest of the witches weren't helping us tonight needing to do witchy stuff with the blood moon. Demon's feed off the moon and tonight they were at their strongest. A honk came from the front of the house, Nick. I dashed out of my room closing the door before running out of the house to the impala.

"Ready?" Nick asked.

"To kick demon ass," I nodded, "always."

Nick rolled his eyes pulling out of my drive.

"Who we working with tonight?" I asked looking out the window.

"Paul, Liz, Marie, Emma, and Maria," Nick replied.

The group was a normal array everyone got two wolves and four hunters on nights witches couldn't help. But we had a new member to our band and I could tell Nick said her name fast to see if I would miss it, I didn't.

"CORNETT! You're joshing me right? We have never had to work with the vamp before. What changed?" I looked over at my idiot partner who let this happen.

"Lawson, told the council about your arm said we may need help because you're not at your best."

I growled and punched the dash.

"EASY! The car didn't do it!"

"Remind me after tonight's done to kill Lawson, okay? Not like he doesn't have a huge gash down his back. That bastard is just getting back at me for braking up with him two fucking years ago!"

James Lawson, was the head of the council's son and one of my ex's. I broke it off with him after a few months of dating, I just felt nothing for the guy (and I wouldn't have known I like girls if I hadn't experimented going with a guy). Now I felt anger. He loved me and swore that he would win me back or make my life hell, guess he gave up on trying for my heart.

"Calm down okay. It's a one time thing. I know her fangs unnerve you but it's just one night and who knows we may need her," he looked over at me, I glared at him,"not because of you but we are without Raven and we could always use an extra hand don't want a repeat of valentines day."

That made me smile. Valentines day was another big hunters night, the demons that fed off love came out to play and are sadly boring. I wanting a little fun that night let one get in my head just to see what it would do. The thing turned into a book with legs and arms. I couldn't bring myself to kill it because I was laughing so hard mocking it saying "that the best you got" and "book walk." I was on the grass and not looking at it when it grew teeth and tried to eat me. Nick had turned around just in time to kill it but I was left with a nice paper cut on my back.

"Aw why not I love man eating books," I laughed earning a bitch face from Nick, as we pulled up to our section. Noting the two cars already parked waiting for us. Emma was late. Marie and Maria were talking with Liz as Paul sharpened his blade.

"No use sharpening it Paul, I'll still kill more than you," I joked.

"You never know Redfern," He smiled at me using my last name as he always did.

"So the vamp is late who would have thought," Liz smirked. She wasn't fond of Emma at all and couldn't sand even sitting next to her in our social studies class.

"She'll be here. She isn't that bad once you get to know her Liz," Maria said sticking up for Emma. Maria had welcomed Emma into town and was her best friend. Maria had more courage than all of us here, not that I would ever admit that. The sound of an engine stopped all conversation. Emma pulled up in a brand new Yellow bug. The only thing I liked about the car was Emma had put an autobot symbol on the hood, reminding me of the gen one bumblebee.

"Sorry I'm late. I couldn't find my keys," she smiled apologetically and her eyes shown with the want to be accepted.

I smiled back at her, "no problem. We were just about to do a run down of stations and rules."

Sometimes you just have to stop being a bitch and find the human part of the unknown. Otherwise we are just as bad as the other towns.

When the Darkness Comesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें