Chapter 11

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Almost as soon as you stepped into Nick's home the smell of vanilla and maple hit you, strong and like a pillow to your nose. Nick and I both didn't bother to wash our hands or face's as we sat at the table next to Miranda, digging into the pancakes. Miranda chuckled at us and ruffled her son's hair, "Hard night you two?"

Nick and I made a noise of confirmation, mouths full of the buttermilk heaven. Miranda shook her head at us and set another stack on the table.

Only an hour later Nick and I looked like Shaggy and Scooby after eating. We made satisfied but tired grunts when Miranda asked if we were done. Sure we did a shit ton of working out for hunting and shit but with how much the two of us eat, it was surprising how we managed to stay skinny. Between the two of us we could eat four family's thanksgiving dinners, but then again as Miranda liked to say we are after all just growing teens.

I went home when I could move again, and showered. Scrubbing the black and scarlet dried blood from my blonde hair was a pain, and I silently promised myself to never let that happen again. A promise I knew I would brake by tonight. The shower did wonders for my cuts and bruises bringing them to light and showing them off in full force. I watched Renee wince as I padded into the kitchen, for more food, in a tank top and shorts. It had been so long sense I'd worn both that I almost forgot they existed.

"How'd the hunt go?" Renee asked still looking at my arms and legs, not my face.

"Normal. Ask me after Halloween and you may have a story," I smirked joking of coarse, something I forgot I could do with my Aunt.

Renee smiled as she pulled her red hair back into a bun, "I look foreword to it."

"Think I can watch and entire session of Full House with Emma today?" I asked looking over at her uneasy, as I pulled out a box of mac and cheese.

Renee made a face of disgust but quickly changed it to a smile a second latter, "Sure. Got popcorn?"

I nodded and sent a text to Emma asking her to get her beautiful self over here. The reply was not a second latter, as long as you're there so am I :P. I chuckled and slipped my cell back into my pocket, Emma may be a cheesy idiot but I loved her and sometimes the cheese was nice too.

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