Chapter 6

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It had been a good hour sense Renee called and Emma wanted me to call her back or go home so she knows I'm okay. Stubborn, as always I fought her on it. 

"She can worry for one night. It will do her some good," I said sitting on the floor where Emma had pushed me out of annoyance. 

"If you don't call her I will, and you know it," she threatened looking down at me. 

"No! You already striped me of my toys," I said sitting on my cell. 

She rolled her eyes, "You really think sitting on your phone is going to stop me?"

I nodded full well knowing that sitting on my cell wouldn't work even if it were Nick. Emma moved faster than I could see again and before i could process what was happening my body was back on the couch and Emma was calling Renee. 

"See what I mean total asshat-ery," I pouted. 

"Don't pout you'll get frown lines," She teased. 

"Shut up."

"N- Hello Renee is it?..... No Jenny is just fine, she's been at my house all evening... This is Emma... Yes, the vampire... I'll let her know... bye," Emma hung up handing me my phone back.

I stuck my tongue out at her like a five year old. She laughed at me, her laugh filled the room and sent butterflies to my stomach. 

"Put your tongue away before I cut it off," she said between laughs. 

"No!" I screamed covering my mouth with both hands. 

"Much better," she turned her head, "Someone just pulled in the driveway. "

The doorbell rang a few moments later. We both walked over in curiosity. I begged the gods it wasn't my aunt. Emma opened the oak door and on the other side stood a nicely dressed Nick, brown hair styled perfectly messy, and Maria who's long light brown hair was pulled back in to a braid. 

"I noticed Jenny's truck in the drive, just wanted to see if everything was okay," Nick gave a half truth. I knew he would have felt the burn in the mark when my anger spiked. 

"Everything is good.  Renee was just being a raciest prick again. I defended your girlfriend here," I smiled over at Maria, who blushed at the term. 

"She's always a raciest prick whats new? And not to be mean but why are you here?" Nick asked cocking his head. 

"I wanted to kill things and I didn't want to go alone or interrupt your date and I  knew Raven would talk me out of it so I called Emma," I shrugged. 

"I then took her weapons and told her that she can't hunt angry, made her tea, and we watched Doctor Who," Emma smiled proud of herself. 

"You stopped this one from killing demons? Impressive," Maria giggled. 

I rolled my eyes and Nick laughed at me, to which I punched him in the arm. 

"Thank you for not letting her go to her death, though she's a lot better angry than calm when hunting. It's always best to go with a clear head," Nick said quoting something my dad had said when we were still training. 

"Yeah okay you can shut up now," I laughed. 

Nick smirked and I knew I would be hearing about this later. I looked over at Maria and Emma who were whispering back and forth. 

"Oh! Yeah Emma, Maria told me your dilemma. Just go for it trust me," Nick winked at her and I knew that whatever it was had to do with me. Got to love my best friend for his subtlety. 

"Thanks Nick," She laughed blushing slightly. 

"Well this has been fun but as Emma here has been trying to get me to do for the past hour I think I'll go home before my aunt has five cows," I say grabbing and putting my jacket and boots on. 

"She's going to so kill you. Let her cool off, follow me home," Nick said knowing my crazy family all too well. I nodded as an okay. 

"Thanks for not letting me kill things tonight. I had fun, next time I come over I won't bring my toys," I smirked. 

Emma rolled her eyes but smiled, "That would be nice, see you guys." She waved at us all from the door as Nick and I pulled onto the street. He went to drop off Maria and I went straight to Nick's home. Miranda was happy to have me over and I spent the rest of the night picking on Nick with his mom. 

AN: Sorry, I know its short but hey, two updates in one day. 

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