Chapter 7

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After hours of those two climbing trees, Sakura got to the sixth branch and Sasuke to the fourth. -At first, I was confused how,'Sasuke has more chakra, so why isn't he progressing more?' I wondered. Then I realized,'That may be why. If Sasuke has more chakra, he will have a hard time controlling ALL of his chakra. Since, ya know, he has lots of chakra, he has to control so much. Must be kinda hard...'-

We walk back to Tazuna's house so we could eat dinner. Team Gai and Kakashi were already there. "Hey." I say as we walk in. "Oh, hello, Naruko. How high did they get?" Kakashi asked in his low, monotone voice. "Sakura and it to 27 and Sasuke to 15." I explain. He nods.

Dinner was eaten in comfortable silence, until Inari (Tazuna's grandson.) slammed his fork on the table. I noticed that he ate none of his food. "Why are you guys even trying?" He mumbled just loud enough for all of us to hear,"What do you mean,'Why are we trying?' Trying what?! All I know is doing!" Lee exclaimed.

"Trying to be hero's? Hero's don't survive in this world! YOU GUYS DON'T EVEN KNOW PAIN!" Inari yelled, then started crying. That was when I had to bite my tongue so I don't yell out my entire backstory. 'K-Kurama...' "I know, right now, you need to get out of there. You know the law against your secret, everyone in there doesn't know except for Kakashi and Uchiha." 'G-g-got it.'

I stand up, push in my chair, then walk to Kakashi. I pull his ear then whisper,"I need a break or Kyuubi w-w-will start releasing chakra." He nods. I walk out.


After Naruko left, Sakura was the first to speak,"What is she-" but she was cut off by a loud *BANG* from outdoors, it was Naruko. Hitting down trees to calm herself.

"Should we-" Sasuke began but was cut of by Kakashi,"Wait a minute there should be another-" *BANG* "-Oh, there it is."

A slight banging could be heard as it got softer, then a faint sobbing was heard. "Now you can go." Kakashi said to Sasuke. Sasuke nods then go's to comfort his girlfriend.

Naruko POV

I sobbed on the floor, while lightly punching the tree, but all energy was gone. I was basically just tapping the tree with my fists. Then I see Sasuke coming twords me.

"Are you alright?" He asked while sitting down next to me. "N-no." I say, then remove my mask,"That Inari BRAT, doesn't understand! There is always someone that has it worse than you! I'm sure, that there is someone who has it worse than me, too!""

Sasuke moves my hair behind my ears, then kisses me gently. I kiss back just as gently. We pull away after a minute or so,"Are you ok?" He asked. I nod, then put my mask back on,"Lets go." Sasuke nods then we walk back inside.


As Naruko and Sasuke we're outside, Sakura and team Gai were worried. "Inari!" Yelled Tsunami,"Why did you-?!" But Kakashi cut her off,"It's fine. Naruko, she is something else." "You mean figuratively, right?" Tsunami asked. "Ermm... yeah. Sure." Kakashi answered.

Naruko came back in the room, you could see her puffy red eyes even though she was calm. "Are you alright now?" Kakashi asked. Naruko nodded and did a closed eye smile.

"So... where are we going to sleep?" Naruko asked. "We have two guest rooms, so I decided that you and Sakura can sleep in the one on the right while the two boys can sleep in the one on the left." Tsunami answered. Naruko nodded, then finished her food.

"I'm going out for a walk." Naruko said. "Alright." Kakashi said. "Are you REALLY gonna let her go out on her OWN?!" Sakura questioned. "Hm? Why not?" Kakashi asked. "She could get HURT!! BAKA!!!" She yelled as a reply. "Don't worry, she's fine. I'm sure of it." Kakashi said.

Naruko POV

On the way out, I look at my watch. I whistle. 3, 4, 9, 3, 2, 1. Then a shadow came out. "Hey there, nice to see you." I say. "You too. How is Sasuke?" He asks. "You know. He's just well, gotten stronger,was the target of fan girling, andwearedatingnow." I say.

"Wait, repeat the last part..." "wearedatingnow." "Slower." "Weeeeareeedataingnowww." "Normal human speed, Naruko." "FINE!! Just don't kill me!" "To afraid to try." "Right. We are dating now." I bit my lip. "WHAT?! WHY ARE YOU DATING MY BROTHER?!" He yelled. "Because were in love, Itachi. MAN! I knew you were a psychopath, but I thought they understood emotions" I say.

"Why are you?" Itachi asked. "Aren't you supposed to be kidnapping me... OR, I could go get Sasuke now so you can explain the real reason that you killed his-no. Your-nope, still not right. BOTH of your clan. Clans? No, clan." I said.

"Is there something you need?" He asked. "Yes." I reply. "Well. What is it?" He asked. "Uh, well... can I tell Sasuke why you killed the clan? Please please PLEASE!!!" I beg. "No." He said. "WHA-?! Why-why noooot?!?!" I asked, whining.

"Because he can't know." He said. "Why not?" I ask. "Because he can't." He said again. "Yeah, I get that! But why can't he know? Is there no real reason?" I ask. "Well-...-fine! Fine fine fine! Get him here so we can talk." He said. "Yay!" I cheer.

I go back The the building. I enter, and everyone was still at the table, in awkward science, until I came. Everyone stared. "Why, hello! I need to go now. Sasuke, can you come with me?" I ask. He nods, I grab his hand then drag him to Itachi.

(They are with Itachi now.)

"Wha-?! I-Itachi! What the?! I can finally-" I flick his head,"Ow!" "Listen to him!" I say. "Fine."

"Sasuke, the real reason I killed the clan was Well... for the village. I had no choice or the Hokage would have found someone to kill all of us, including you and me." He explain. I look at Sasuke, just to see his extremely hilarious shocked face.


1,055 words.

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