Chapter 1

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Years after what Kurama and I call 'the incident,' the academy began.

I hid my face with a mask, to not draw attention to myself...

It seemed to do the exact opposite!

Everyone seemed to look at me, and I could almost see the thought bubbles over their head!

"I wonder what her face looks like?"
"What on earth is under that mask?!"

And other things like that.

To make things worse, almost everyone here SUCKS! Fangirls and overly-outgoing people are the wooooorst!

And this class is full of them.

There's only a few people I can stand. Maybe like Naara Shikamaru, Aburame Shino, and Uchiha Sasuke.

Why those three? You may wonder.

All because they mind their own god-damn business.

It was lunch time, and I had finished eating using the Mask-breaker-no-jutsu, or MB no jutsu.

Everyone seemed upset that I didn't take the mask off.

After lunch, we began to learn simple stuff in class.

"Does anyone know what chakra is?" Iruka asked.

I raised my hand, my feet crossed on the table and hands behind my head,"is essential to even the most basic technique. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, chakra can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water, exhaling fire, or creating illusions. Chakra is ordinarily not visible to the unaided eye unless it is highly concentrated or manifested in large amounts. This is rarely seen due to the restrictions of eight specific tenketsu known as the Eight Gates, which limit the amount of chakra an individual can release at a single given time. I could talk for a long while more, but I don't wanna waste your time."

Everyone stared at me.

"Well, that's spot on, Naruko! Not a misspoken word or unaided or invalid word was spoken! You're very smart for your age!" Iruka spoke.

I nodded,"Thanks."

Iruka then babbled on about the "origin of chakra" or whatever.

I wasn't paying attention.


"Oi, Uzumaki-San!" I heard Uchiha yell,"How do you know so much about reading on the first day?!

I looked at him like,'What the fuck?'

"There's this amazing new thing called reading! You should try it sometime!" I told him.

"That brat really is an idiot!"

"What about that mask, eh? What's the deal with that?!" He somewhat shouted.

"Why is that any of your business, how would you know if my face isn't burned, or that there might be some other medical problem I have. Or mental problem. How insensitive of you!"

That seemed to shut him up.

The boy "Tched" then strutted away.

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