Ch. 15

44 1 3

"Alright girls that's the winning point, Astrid's team for the win!"

I pressed my lips to a firm line and held my hands over head, by now my body ached and short breaths escaped every 5 seconds. Blood flowed excessively through my body and my skin felt on fire. Pinching my eyes closed, I threw my head back groaning at how much Mr. Clifford was talking.

"Astrid-hey you got somethin," my eyes darted over to Natalie as she pointedly made a circular motion around her face. "You got somethin on your face." Wiping at it I drew in a sharp breath and winced.

"Just some dirt," I explained shrugging and looking away from her.

Mumbled incoherent words left my mouth, I bounced on the heels of my feet impatiently before I finally spoke up. "You're spending a long time talkin about things that aren't too important Mr. Clifford." He brought his attention away from the girls that surrounded him and looked at me.

"You know you could take a break from being an introvert and join the conversation."

I scoffed and set my hand on my hip, "As much as I want to, I don't find the higher authority I'm surrounded by to be attractive enough to throw myself at like everyone else here." Everyone had fell quiet, both Mr. Hood and Mr. Clifford held stern looks.

"Astrid you're just jealous because they're not talking to you," one of the girls approaches and and crosses her arms. Looking passed her, I held eye contact with Mr. Clifford most of the time irritant prominent in my expression.

Eventually he spoke up, shushing all the girls that were whispering to each other. "Astrid you're being rude, and by saying things like that you could essentially cause unwanted trouble within the school-"

I cleared my throat to speak, and cut him off, "I didn't say you were, excuse my language, fucking your students. I simply said they were throwing themselves at you because for some reason they find you attractive." The more I explained it with detail the more pissed he became. Mr. Hood stood there less mad, but taking everything in, he was the observant one.

Before either of us could speak again, the girl standing before me poked at my collarbone harshly causing me to stumble back, Natalie stood behind me and held onto my arms before I could fall, but it didn't decrease the pain any less than the fall would've.

Natalie gave the girl a shove back, "why don't you fuck off Charlie and quit being such a twat."

Just at that, the girls began to spring at each other like raging pumas.

"Alright knock it off!" Mr. Clifford's voice boomed, as he pushed the two girls apart and pointed a finger at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and stepped back hoping he was too caught up in the situation to notice my face. "I've put up with a lot from you Astrid and I don't understand why you have to act that way. I want to talk to you. In my office now."

"No, no fuck that, I'm going to class."

"I'll send you to the office-"

"And tell them what! Tell them that— that I'm being punished for wanting to go to class rather than stay behind to "chat" with you?!" Finishing with that I walked away, looking back, all the girls swarmed the two grown men bickering, all except Natalie who followed close behind me laughing slightly- "you got some secret tude Ash, is it okay if I call you ash?"

"Natalie," I chuckle and stop her from talking anymore. We walk into the locker room and as soon as I get in there I grab my things and rush out.

My shoes squeaked against the gym floor, followed by more squeaks. The group was now coming in, so I quickened my pace towards the gym doors.

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