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Reaching the entrance of the cafe, I let out a long dreadful sigh, preparing myself for all the outcomes and reactions I would get.
         I walked in with my head hanging low, my shoulders slumped and my feet dragging.

"Astrid, hey I brought my makeup...what's wrong?" Jasmines tone of voice went from chirpy to worried within seconds.
     I looked up at her, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. A pure look of heartbreak took over her face.

"Oh my god Astrid,"
     She dropped her things and pulled me into a hug. It only pushed me over more, my knees buckled and I started crying. This time I couldn't hold it back; there were many moments where this has occurred due to pent up feelings.

Jasmine set herself on the floor and hugged me, I know she was trying.
        It hurt to cry, the salty liquid making the wounds on my face sting.

       Jas tilted my chin up and gently wiped my tears with the pads of her thumbs. She had helped me calm down a bit and sat me in a chair so she could fix my mess. All the while she shook her head in disbelief.

   "I know you don't want me to do anything about this. But this is getting out of hand Astrid. What happens when someone else finds out about this. What happens then? You can't protect her forever. You shouldn't be for that matter."

She spoke mostly her thoughts as she did my makeup. Careful not to hurt me but also adding on layers upon layers.

     "I'm sorry jas," was all I could get out.

She was pulled out of her own thoughts and her features softened. "You shouldn't be sorry either,"

   Both of us sighed, distressed and tired already and the day has barely even started. Once my makeup was finished, I argued with jas for a good ten minutes about my attending school today.
She wanted me to stay here but I knew if I missed school today there was a good chance that someone would show up to the house again.

Jas knew I made a good point, and I did. But I would just have to avoid a couple people today.

Pulling up to the school, I felt all my nerves settle at the pit of my stomach like a weight. I took a deep breath and went inside with jasmine.

    By now the first bell had rung, so we quickly blended in with the crowd of teens and rushed to our first period.
      Thankfully I had snuck into the classroom and to my seat without drawing unwanted attention.

Mr. Hemmings was pre occupied with other students, so for the period he didn't have time to push himself into my business, which I was more than thankful for.
           The bell rang and I was ready to go to my second period. I hurried toward the door, mentally cursing at the flood of students coming in and out.

"Ms. Joy," I heard Mr. Hemmings call for me from his desk.

      My heartbeat sped up alittle faster and I found myself now pushing kids out of the way so I could leave.

Mr. Hemmings stood from his desk, and at this point I had lost all patience and pushed kids to the side, creating an opening for me. I rushed out of the classroom just before he could get to me and he was stuck behind a wall of stumbling teenagers.

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