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Taking a deep breath, I step through the door as quiet as possible.
Apparently not quiet enough.

"Astrid! Is that you!? Where the fuck have you been!"

      Her beating red face appeared around the corner, cold icy eyes peering into my soul searching for an answer.

  "I'm sorry mum, I got caught up at school," I mumbled in response.

She gripped my face tightly, her nails digging into my jaw, fuck I felt like a child in trouble.

           "You're lying, you think I'm fucking stupid Astrid! I wasn't born yesterday," she exclaimed although, I could've second that. But that would be death.

     "Mum I'm not lying, let go of my face please."

My beg for mercy only made her squeeze harder, pain shooting through all of my nerves as I wince. She released then shoved me back, making me stumble over my own feet, lose my balance and fall backwards completely.

     "Fuck!" I yelped as my back and left leg came in contact with something sharp.

        My mum rolled her eyes and made her way to her room.
       I sat up, immediately regretting it feeling the pain sting. I glanced under me, shards of glass spread out and poking through my clothes and skin.

          I whimpered making my way up to the bathroom to attend my wounds. The cuts weren't deep enough to need a doctor, but they were deep enough to bleed excessively.

        Biting onto a rag, quickly I pulled out the remaining glass pieces in my skin and placed a towel over the cuts, hoping it would be enough to decrease the amount of blood gushing out of my body.


After wrapping some gauze around the injured areas, I swept up the broken glass and picked up any other things off the floor that could potentially hurt someone, then eventually made my way to my room without any more "distractions." I was more distressed than ever right now and I knew it wouldn't help my case with school or work for that matter.

    I finished all my school work with the little bit of energy that I had, then forced in at least a couple hours of sleep.


Four beautiful voices rang through my ears, causing me to stir in bed before getting up and pressing the snooze button on my alarm tiredly. 
      My back and leg felt more sore than before, like I had just worked out for 24 hours straight without stopping. This is one minor issue, but one I wouldn't let get in my way of working in and out of school.

         Except for maybe in the shower. That's okay, one less shower day won't hurt.

I sighed and pulled my messy hair into a bun.

     I can guarantee it was a lot harder to find something decent to wear without having it be suspicious. I can't wear sweatpants, it'll be 86 out today and I'd rather not bake in my clothes. My options were limited, and I had to be wise on my choice.

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