Chapter-4 Becoming Numb

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The medical coma never worked on me. My eyes were burned open with burn rings around my eyes and having no eyelids didn't help. My mother walked in with a doctor right when the nurse got done trying to put me in a coma. I was tired but I couldn't sleep so the doctor put a damp cloth on my eyes. I sat up and growled than the doctor tired to set me back down. I was still pain and wanted to get out of this pain.

I felt numb as if this was my fate like I'm going to feel this way forever. I started to laugh as the voices screamed at me again louder and louder with every word they say.

"I c-c-c-c-can't c-c-cry." I shuttered in a deep voice trying to make since when I wanted to cry but I couldn't to it and I felt empty again.

My mother grabs my hand and gently put her hand on my face. I started to laugh and my mom looked at me like I was insane. She was probably right I was going insane. Hours later my mother and father felt.

That night the hospital was dark. I heard many people screaming wanting the pain to go away. I saw this tall pitch black male figure come into my room and the sounds muffled. The figure wore a tux and had a white face and had black tentacles. I tired to set up but it was like I was pinned there to my bed. It wasn't the first time I saw this guy...I saw him when I was 5 and a clown. Then again I saw him many times in the corner of my eye.

The figure leaned down and whispered, "Tag your it." as he rammed a tentacle into my gut.

The next morning the doctor came in and strapped me down. The hole in my gut was gone like it never happened but there was a symbol on my right arm. He cleaned the wounds and bandages and left. There was no use fighting anymore; I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I was in so much pain I could not stand it all at once.

Later that day mom walked it to say "Hey" and took off the bandages without the doctors knowing. My mother liked to try and help me feel better. It didn't work and I tried to yell out but I couldn't.

"Shh; its ok Jeff, you'll be ok, you'll feel and be better soon and you'll still look beautiful."my mother said while playing with my hair and started to hum to me a lullaby.

Little did my mother know there was a camera in the room. My mother kissed my forehead and left. Hours later a doctor came in the room but it was to late. My skin was hardened like lather and ghostly pale. I felt hollow and numb for days. My parents didn't even show up to visit me for a few days. I started to think they forgot about me and I laughed about it.

The next day I got a present form a kid at school I guess. The present had black wrapping. They sent me a clean white hoodie, black pants, white shoes and a butcher knife with a note. The note said "cut the smile Jeff and smile forever before I do it my self; I'm watching". I looked for a name but no name was there; all it said was for Jeff and had a circle and a x in the middle. My mother walked in the room to say hi and saw the present and took it away and threw it in a trash can. It was like she knew who it was from.

A male nurse walked in and said "Jeffery your free to go." with a smile.

I got up and took the gift out the trash and went to bathroom. I put on the outfit and everything fit perfectly and the hoodie was softer then my original; then I put the sharp knife in my hoodie pocket. My mother signed me out and I got out the room and walked over to my mom. My mom looked at me in disgust and walked off and I followed her.

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