Chapter-1 Where It Began (renewed)

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I was just the new kid on the block and just moved in that school morning. Mom didn't want to move til liu and I were in the schools system. I messed up the past school for Liu thou I was blamed for it; I personally didn't do it. I was wearing a clean white hoodie, black pants, and favorite black and white converse. Even though it seemed I hadn't slept in weeks I was perfectly awake. I was in the ninth grade and my little brother Liu was starting middle school in the sixth. At our last school Liu was at the top of his grade. Liu is and always had been a really good kid and even joined the basketball team. Liu was eleven and I was fifteen, we sat on the curve of the road Infront of our house just just moved into. Mom said it was supposed to be a new start; while we sat there we were to wait on the bus. They preferred me and Liu stayed out their way when moving things around the house anyway.

"Do you think they will like us Jeffrey?" Liu asked.

I looked at him confused and tilted my head, "What do you mean little brother?" I asked obviously confused.

"I mean like what if they call me names and bully me for being smart at this school like the last school?" Liu asked.

"I guess I'm gonna have to protect you then." I said while putting a hand on Liu's shoulder.

The high school and middle school was connected here so it would be easy to protect Liu if I needed to. In the corner of my eye I saw someone standing next to me. I looked up at the boy and wondered what he wanted. The boy held a knife on his side and I noticed a girl watching us from her bedroom window and I waved hi to her.

"Give me your money." the boy said and I stood touring over this male. It was an obvious hight difference

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Im Randy and I know you don't know this new kid but this is my spot to wait for the where's the fee you owe me for being in my spot." Randy said.

"You think I'ma give you money for siting in front of my house?" I asked offering a fake smile.

This guy wasn't gonna back down and I noticed he called for his friends Albert and Kermit. Randy got out his knife and looked at his friends then back at me. I looked at Liu who seemed a bit frightened then Looked back at Randy. Randy went to stab me and I stopped him and broke his arm making him drop the knife. I swiftly picked up the knife then throw it at kermit's shoulder and he dropped his bookbag to hold his shoulder. I looked at Albert and walks to him, hitting on in the jaw made him step back a few steps and he pass out as he dropped like a dead body.

I looked at Randy and he seemed to be scared now. "Now what was it that you wanted again?" I said.

"Screw you man." Randy said.

Liu and I ran off seeing the bus driver had been watching the whole time waiting for us to come on. We didn't know what to do so we told out mom what had just happened when we got to the house. our mom had to take us to school that day and talk to the police that the bus driver had called. The first day and I was already messing this up as I usually did. I walked liu to his home room as I normally would in any case I protected Liu it was my duty as the older sibling, that what mom always said. I started to realized I didn't feel anything from what I did to Randy as I walked to my home room once I dropped off Liu; once I got to my room and saw that girl there.

To my surprise My heart skipped a beat it was the same girl what was across the street. she was so pretty and you could tell she was different so I looked at her as I sat beside her and gently smiled. She looked at me which I never expected. Most the kids at my other school would beat me up and leave bruises and I would have to fight. Jane walked over here and smacked her hands on my desk and looked at me with a straight face but then smiled as if it was a joke.

"Hi I'm Jane, you must be the new kid. I saw what you did to Randy....that was very brave of you; looked like you've done that before." Jane said and kinda smiled back at me.

"My name is Jeffrey but everyone calls me Jeff...nice to finally meet someone from around here who seems nicer." I said.

" yea, I guess so. Its sure nice to try to make friends. The kids here will swallow you up and spit you out like trash." jane said.

"Thats all I know ."I said as I looked down as I saw her leave for her first class.

The rest day I saw jane in most my classes and never said a word back to one another. I got a few people come up to be wanting to be friends. It didn't even make me smile to because im afraid to have a friend that I knew will leave. It just never had since to me to befriend just to leave them.

Blood Stained Smiles जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें