Chapter-3 The Party

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A week later I took Liu to his friend's birthday party without our parents knowing. Liu ran off and bounced on the bounce house. A few kids ran up to me and asked me to be one of the villains in their little cowboy game. I told them I would and they gave me a fake gun. 30 minutes later I find my self happy again. Having fun, playing games and smiling.

I saw Jane looking out her window again looking at me while giggling. Randy, Albert, and Kermit showed up a few minutes later. Everyone got scared and my smile faded as I saw them walk into the yard with guns and chains. I saw Jane run and Kermit had the knife I threw at his shoulder.

"You tired to kill left us for dead on the street at my bus stop area." Randy said.

"I wouldn't say that; Randy, I never tired to kill you or your friends. I was protecting me and my brother." I said.

Randy was hesitant to respond and Kermit threw his blade at me and I caught the blade. They we're all stunned by how quick I reacted to the action. Albert tackled me and I cut across his eye and he held his eye. Kermit and Randy picked me up and threw me through a window. Glass went through my back, arms and legs from the window. Randy climbed through the window and grabbed up a beer bottle and opened it. I tried to get up, so I could fight but Albert broke my leg before I could get up. Kermit grabbed string and wrapped around a shirt and stuffed it down the bottle. Albert picked up the knife I had in my hand and stabbed

"This is what happens when you mess with the skull kings." Randy said lighting the shirt and threw the bottle at me.

I scream in pain it was more then I could take in all at once. Randy, kermit, and Albert smiled as they watched me burn. Parents frantically kept trying to put out the fire as others kept the kids out the room and calling the hospital. Jane ran in the house to help save me but slipped and hit her head on her fire extinguisher.

I passed out facing in Jane's direction from the pain as the flames surrounded me. Two minutes later a firetrucks, ambulances and cops showed up and the fire fighters put out the fire out. The ambulance nurses picked up me and Jane took us to the hospital. The cops took Randy, kermit, and Albert to prison.

Hours later I stable enough to have surgery and they already took off all the burnt cloth on my skin. The doctors automatically took me to the surgery room as soon as one was open. They called my parents and told them what happened. The fight was on the news for two days straight. Surgery took six hours for the doctors to do and my parents came in to check on me and they looked really scared as if they where going lose me.

My mother was crying and my father was trying to calm her down. I got out of surgery and my mother ran to the doctor and the doctor told my mom to let me rest. I was awake and saw everything even when I wanted to sleep my eyelids were burnt off in the fire and My hair was turned charcoal black. My mom left the room and my father followed her and they found Jane and her parents.

"Is Jeffery ok?" Jane asked.

My mother nodded and looked at Jane "What happened to you?" my mom asked.

Jane explained everything from what happened to me beating up Randy, Kermit, and Albert to the fight at the party. My parents were surprised the I did all that.

"That doesn't sound like our Jeffery." my father said.

My mother invited Jane and her parents to dinner when I get out the hospital. I felt so hollow and soulless like I was dead but I was alive. I started to laugh as the pain killers wore off.

the voices kept chanting to me screaming, "Kill them all they did this to you!"

I tried not to scream as pain worsened and surrounded my body as another demon. The nurse ran in the room and gave me another pain killer and tried to put me in a medical induced coma to help my body heal faster.

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