The same girl with the name I was about to hate, Alethea. Hating her was kind of hard because she seemed like a sweet person but still I was hurt.

Ash wrapped his hand around her shoulder sending her a look of adoration while she telling me how much she had wanted to see me again after that night.

Interrupting her I said " I'm sorry to cut you short but I really have to be on my way" I left them hearing her give a silly giggle to a stupid joke Ash had name.

When I got back into the forest, I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped to the floor and was crying like a child wrapping my hand past my head on the floor. Soon my sadness turned into rage and I gave a loud scream of anguish that echoed in the forest.

In response the ground vibrated and I watched in fear as some of the trees around me fell to the ground like they were giving obeisance to me . I sat on the floor scared and confused looking for a way to escape the falling trees but not one touched me, it was as if someone had commanded them not to harm or touch me.

They were about fourteen to seventeen trees that fell down . I heard an applause from behind me and expected to find Merlin but saw someone else , Damian.

" impressive " he said as his eyes settled on me.

"What are you doing here?" realizing the forest wasn't my home , I rephrased the question. " Have you been following me?."

I scratch his head and had his face like he had suddenly lost his memory and was trying to recall.
" Well, when you put it like that, no. But I was kinda looking for a way to talk with you . If you are wondering if I saw what your boyfriend did, yes."

" He is not my boyfriend ." I rebuked him.

"Then why on earth are you sitting on the floor and crying over a guy who isn't your boyfriend? "

" I don't know. I just.... I just... " I started sobbing unable to complete the statement.

"Aya...ya!" He came closer and I thought he wanted to help clean my tears but surprisingly he just sat down on the floor next to me.

" let me see. Both of you were friends and you thought he saw you more than that. You saw a double meaning in everything thing he did even though they were innocent. You wanted more but now you are unhappy to know that his friendship is all he has to offer to you. "

I stopped sobbing and looked at him" how do you know all that? "

"How I know isn't a big deal. It just happens most of the time. Girl gets her hopes high and boy disappoints her, case close" he shot me a big grin that reminded me of jerry, the mouse.

I palmed my face and raised my voice as I continued to sob like a little girl .

" You know, you can continue crying like a little child" I kicked him on the leg . "Ouch! Or you can just focus all of that rage you feel into your training. How about trying something very challenging, not that falling a lot of trees isn't challenging but something you've never tried before. "

'Good point' I didn't say it out loud, so he wouldn't feel like he was doing a great job.

I stood up to my feet and wasted no time in dusting my clothes. I stood heaving with my eyes clothes as I remembered some of the words aunt Lopez said during my failed attempts of learning how to control the fire element. Breathe in Morgan. I imagined burning candles around me. See them as a part of you Morgan, feel them as they fluctuate in unison with your breathe.

I felt something inside me getting warmer with my eyes still close, I threw my hands in front of me and I felt a mighty heat . I opened my eyes and saw a huge tongue of flame which I threw in the air.

With excitement, I turned towards Damien who was staring at me with mouth opened in awe. " Did you just see that?, I finally got it right. "

He looked to my right and back at me " I'm sorry to make your victory short lived but was that also part of your training "

I followed his line of sight and saw as some trees were burning pretty fast colouring the air with black smokes.

" No, no, no..... Oh my goodness. What do I do"

Finally, our girl was able to control fire. The song I uploaded is meant for Ash .*eye roll* he can go his own way. I'm beginning to like Damien more than him. Please do tell me what you think.

This is the middle of the entire story. Wish you luck as you read to the end. Love ya!.

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