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Dedicated to :
Marielleart, thanks so much Mary. :)

We were all sitting in the coven, no, not we. I wasn't there but I was at the same time, it was like I was someone else more like my subconsciousness was connecting to someone else's consciousness. It was probably a dream, I convinced myself. It was the only logical explanation.

The coven was more fuller than it would have been during an ordinary meeting but tonight was the night of the blood moon. The night that all the witches and warlock in North America converged in our coven to have their meeting with us because ours was the headquarters in North America. So many faces were strange to me.

I turned to my left and saw that I was sitting beside an older woman with a beautiful head of long blonde hair, she looked vaguely familiar. I looked to my right and saw Mrs Guanalupe, she was looking forward with tired eyes just like everyone else.

I watched as a woman yawned tiredly from a distant, she was struggling to keep her eyes opened so as not to fall asleep. I wondered how that was working out for her. Bright torches hung on each corner of the room causing strange shadows to form on the walls.

I turned to Elder Gaius who seemed to have captivated everyone's attention, he was pacing from side to side with hands behind him as he was reprimanding every witch in the room, kind of reminded me of how dad would scold everyone of us just because of one person who did wrong.

Just as expected, I saw Ash sitting in his usual place. He was staring intently at his father but still had a look on his face that made it look like his attention was somewhere else. I looked towards his left and saw the same platinum blonde lady, I had seen few weeks earlier. Now that I thought of it, she bore a striking resemblance to Rosa but I could tell she was way older than Rosa. She nodded in response to something elder Gaius had said during his speech.

Suddenly growing bored from observing everything in the coven, I too decided to pay attention to whatever elder Gaius was saying. If i couldn't have the privilege of attending a coven meeting in reality then it was wise to learn what I could in this dream.

"though the humans are inferior to us, they still have their population against us. They fear our kind but they won't hesitate to mob any....... " he was saying when suddenly there was a light buzz in the hair and all the torches went out. Soon the torches came back to life but this time they were replaced with blue luminous flames that made it look like Hades was about to make a grand entrance.
We heard a wicked laugh that echoed throughout the four corners of the room. Everyone of us except the three council members jumped from our chairs and ran towards the door like we were acting a scene in a horror movie. Just as we were about to get to the door, a feminine figure appeared at the door post. She wore a hooded garment that covered most part of her face but revealed her red lips that were pulled in a wicked smirk.

We all scrambled to the corner of the room, 'it's the end ' I heard someone say. I gasped and was about to have a panic attack when someone placed a pale little hand over my mouth. I turned to see Rosa who gave me a worried look before we both looked back at the hooded lady who was still at the door post.

Ash held the lady who I suspected to be his mom at another corner of the room trying to calm her down. I had a feeling that I was the only one who didn't understand what was happening. "What do you want here Melissa?" elder Gaius asked staying his ground but even from afar I could sense his fear.

She licked her lips in a snakelike manner before pulling down the hood of her garment. Just as she did we all gasped in fear. She had a curly long red hair that seemed to glimmer, her face was round in a childlike manner which would have made her look innocent but her eyes made her look terrifying.

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